General Discussion

General DiscussionAre the pros really Pros!!!

Are the pros really Pros!!! in General Discussion

    So... here is a question
    If a 5K mmr player is given a >2K account to play in let's say SEA. What are the chances that he will be able to get it to 5K....... and how long do you think it will take him to get there? :D


      he will start with ~90-100% winrate till about high 3k, then he will still win 60-80% of the game until he gets close to his mmr


        almost 100%?
        so this account was given to me someone, starting from 2.5k mmr. i palyed on it casually to 4.9k over a couple of months. then i lent it to my friend who is 5.9k to use as a smurf, he got it to 5.7k in 2 weeks.


          ^yeah but flat 5k is much worse than 5.9k right

          plz do

            5k is the new 4k so he will drop to 1k mmr pretty damn sure

            lm ao

              Hey jo I challenge you to try out that smurf I gave you. I'm pretty sure youll have a hard time playing at 2K SEA but doesnt mean its not winnable though lmfao.

              The toxicity level though. Oh my gosh.


                @ hotsauce i played that from 2.5k, whats the difference?
                @sunris yea ofc, i wasnt really trying to make much of a point just recounting my experience
                oh btw the "almost 100%" comment was meaning that its almost certain a 5k player will be able to get 2k account to 5k

                lm ao

                  its 2k flat


                    Anyone can eventually bring a low MMR account up. The only question is how many games it would take.

                    The best players can play at very near 100% winrate on low MMR accounts. Really the only reason it would not be 100% win when playing over 2,000 points below your legit rating is that there are people who throw games. It's very hard to win when someone is going 0-20 in 15 minutes and feeding couriers.

                    But besides intentional loss games like that, a 5k + player will win every game at low MMR. I won 85% of games from 2.3k to 3k and my top mmr is only 4.1k. I won some games with people feeding the whole game. I won some games where 2 people on my team abandoned. A 5k or 6k player would win 100% or maybe 99%.


                      Didn't Swiftending win like 60 games in a row when he was proving his "point"?


                        Right. Now Swiftending is one of the best players in the world, was 6.5k MMR last I checked. It was easy for him. But I have no doubt anyone who wins over 50% of Very High Skill games could raise a normal skill level account up to Very High without much trouble.

                        You end up not only wining, but with stupidly high KDAs in games way below your skill level. I did things like play CM with multiple crits as a right clicker and won easily. It was just a matter of timing and positioning. The normal skill players don't precisely identify when they can fight and when not to fight. They leave much larger gaps in positioning and timing where they are vulnerable and don't take advantage of others mistakes until it's too late to do so.


                          Many people are doing it. Lanaro (South American) professional is actually streaming nowadays and his stream has the title: "Challenge, 2k to 7k.", he's near 8k on his main already.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I have been playing unranked all the time, so what happened is that my ranked mmr is 1/2 of my unranked mmr, so I am currently playing @1.8k as a (realistically) 3.5k player, hence why I'm at 82.14% ranked winrate this month, despite spamming legion commander (usually jungle) like a retard.

                            saving private RTZ

                              ^ regarding that, what the actual fuck is this game? And i mean like both teams, what the fuck


                              Riguma Borusu

                                Oh, I intentionally fed because that Rubick fucked my lane up by playing really greedy (basically using me to do damage, then taking the kill after I die, and similar shit), I got my core shit way too late and it was over anyway, so I just fed damage/kills to the enemy team until it was actually over :x Also everyone on my team was toxic and I didn't want them to win anyway, so there's that.


                                  ^^ i'm cringing from those item builds

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    When I started feeding people mostly started with troll builds and shit so jugg really wanted the third refresher but I could only feed so much.

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      Lanaro is as professional as I am an astronaut

                                      Why do people call random 7ks who play in amateur tournaments 'professionals'


                                        I think a 5k player would win like 19/20 games on a flat 2k account as long as they picked strong mids or offlaners. Probably more like 15/20 playing as hard supports or hard carries


                                          they would win with woods ta

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            no they'd still win 19/20 games as carries, there is so much space in those games not cus your team makes space but cus enemies don't take it.


                                              wait what OP?? are u trying to suggest that a 5k player is a "pro"?


                                                I didn't know purists or pedants still exist. Let's call him "pro", then.


                                                    Not long, pretty sure until mid 4k's it's 100% win rate. After that you might lose few games here and there in the higher 4k's, but you can maintain ~70% winrate still and get to the 5k+.

                                                    Jay Leno

                                                      sea doto best doto
                                                      3k sea = 5k russian


                                                        Pro as in professional means by definition that they are getting paid for pursuing what they are doing.
                                                        They would need close to the least amount of needed games to reach the target.


                                                          yeah! 3kmmr iN SEA server plays like 5k in russian, hehehe, most SEA server players do not owned pc unit, lots are cafe gamer, so their playing time is limited but plays like no tomorrow, 70% of SEA players cant play with other server coz of slow internet/ high ping like philippines but beware of this server lots of trashtalk


                                                            for some countries with powerful internet connection lot of players taking advantage to those server with no good players... so its ez mmr to them in a short period of time, i dare u all europe and america, join SEA SERVER lets test ur skills



                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                3k Brasil = 7k us just my opinown sory bad englondo


                                                                  hahahha... honestly whenever i am in a mood of increasing my mmr.... i go and play in US servers.... above 90% win rate :D

                                                                  well what i wanted to know by posting this was that i mostly play unranked.... and my unranked matches are actually tough than the ranked ones.. also that i get good team mates who know what they are doing... but in the ranked i can define those idiots as dumbs and mostly the tards don't know what to do in a particular situation like if i am playing an initiator and i specifically tell them that i am gonna initiate they won't follow up even if it was easy kill.... and have no clue of the map and it makes me so frustrating all the time... mostly i get the best stats on the team despite the team running around like chickens... but still we lose... sad life.... but it is still hard to raise the mmr coz if your team is bad you can't do anything no matter if your skill level is higher than most of them

                                                                    Die Lie Sigh

                                                                      You tell them kitrak buoy!!
