General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i climb the ladder out of 2k

how do i climb the ladder out of 2k in General Discussion

    yes i am your average 2k player i realize (unlike most 2ks) that i am not better than every one at my level, however like every one whos plays ranked dota i would like to increase my mmr please if u could tell me heroes/tactics to help me ( i would be ok with 2k but i cant stand the toxicity of the people at this level like how do they get so mad over nothing ?)


      People are toxic at all levels. Find a role you are good at then find a small core of heroes that you can excel at that role with. It's about winning not about having the best KDA.

      I prefer to play mid, sometimes I have to play core, sometimes I have to support. Pay attention to the meta and try to rally the troops as best as possible. I notice from your dotabuff that you die quite a bit; aim to die 0 times. Sometimes you have to buy wards as a Spectre just to farm safely.. do it.


        ty i know one of the main resons im 2k is my bad positioning

        Bad Intentions

          Its all about KDA man. You need to be at your best at every game. You need to kill heroes, die less and set up a lot of teamates for assists.

          And hopefully get the throne in the process :]]


            "but i cant stand the toxicity of the people at this level"

            It's just gonna get worse as you go up tbh. Only way to avoid toxicity is muting your teammates



                RTZ STYLE

                  what lane weaver?


                    mid he's strong and sometimes top if you are against melee, safe lane is useful if mid os is taken,

                    King of Low Prio

                      Just learn how to LC jungle, low MMR players dont kill junglers and low MMR games go extremely long so u get time to get duel wins slowly


                        You actually wanna know how to get out of 2k the fastest way? Just play Overthrow. You may think i'm joking or trolling or some shit, BUT when you will dumpster players there and win majority of the games, 2k bracket will suddenly become so ez it's unreal. Just learn positioning, execution and how to kill people, you will learn all of that there and you'll be really good at fights.

                        Since i'm dumpstering people there on daily basis even 5k's became piss ez for me to handle, especially in fights and so it can become same for you if you actually learn the fuckin heroes you play. Cause believe me, you have no clue how to play them.

                        Grilled Chicken

                          What is ur mmr exactly ?

                          RTZ STYLE



                              Learn 2 last hit, put ward if your supp doesnt, dont die unless its for a good trade.

                              RTZ STYLE

                                i have a queation wut am i supose to do if literaly by the time the laning phase is over my axe died twice to neutrals they fed legion to 50 bonus damageand my invoker lost mid to sf
                                like actualy wut can i do


                                  Pick mid yourself, mid is most skill based, if you pick decent and have more skill than enemy mid you win lane, if it turns out you are worse go gank they wont even ward on 2k and if they do they havent even heard of smoke

                                  Mike Tl Kwar :')

                                    The key to get out of the 2k bracket is to improve your gameplay, there is a reason you are 2k and you can fix that. Practice your last hits/denies under the tower, learn how to farm under pressure, learn how to avoid unnecessary deaths, abuse any map vision advantage you have, learn how to play a few support heroes, make the right item choices, avoid ganks etc etc... most of the 2k players struggle in all those. Watch your own replays, watch high mmr or pro replays (not highlights, full match replays), read guides. Road to 3k!

                                      RTZ STYLE

                                        what do i do to carry feeders? every game my offlane feeds

                                        DEiON SANDALS

                                          That means that you should help that lane and let your "support" try to catch up a little on farm while you push their t1


                                            One thing you guys might want to answer is how to deal with hard as f** dual offlanes when you play carry?


                                              learn how to use ebola spirit.
                                              play > rekt > win the game > mmr rise

                                              RTZ STYLE
                                                  RTZ STYLE

                                                    second question i feel like offlane wr is realy strong to carry games withs first item ags then deadulus how do u guys think this would work?

                                                    John Cena

                                                      don't play which heroes u like, play heroes need to win the game. if allies pick 4 core, u need to play hard support :D

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        "King of Low Prioa day ago
                                                        Just learn how to LC jungle, low MMR players dont kill junglers and low MMR games go extremely long so u get time to get duel wins slowly"

                                                        Well, this pretty much, and your team ends up with 4 cores anyway so you might as well farm.

                                                        yung griphook

                                                          I would highly recommend against what king of low pro said.

                                                          while everything he said is true, when you pick a jungler, you're assuming your team wont fall apart by the time you hit your first major item or level 6 or whatever. They will. Winning the lane is a better step than being afk in the jungle.

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^Usually having 4 farming cores > everything even despite the whole 'win a lane thing', people play way too passive so they won't take advantage of weak lanes. I mean ffs I've won having two junglers in my team, farming the enemy's jungle, zero ganks on junglers. But that's ~2k, at 3k you already can't do stupid shit like that.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Literally all you have to do at that level is cs in lane and farm properly. Learn to rotate lanes to maximize farm and when and how to clear jungle. You'll be so far ahead other team nothing else will matter. 2k players suck at cs and stand around a lot doing nothing

                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                I went from 2250 mmr to 3400 mmr spamming whatever my main was. (axe for about a month, then techies the rest) just get good at least one hero, as you get better at the said hero, overall dota performance will improve. Because to improve at techies, i had to get better at the game as a whole.


                                                                  Was 2k now I'm 4.8k

                                                                  I know I'm a god.

                                                                  par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                                                    if a player dies to neutrals they don't give any gold to the enemy and sometimes its a faster way to regen/tp to lane, its not exactly a bad thing

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      ^I have to explain this shit to retards every time I suicide while jungling xD They still don't get it.


                                                                        git gud noob

                                                                        on a seriosu note, you might have to bite the bullet and spam the meta hero (invoker for now) or just play a hero you like to play, even better if that hero isnt popular because people dont know how to play against it (climbed 800mmr with oracle when his ult was a bkb)

                                                                        Kang Apip

                                                                          just go farm, win your laning phase, play safe and have fun rating :D

                                                                          RTZ STYLE

                                                                            ty guys for tellign me diferent things on another note how do u feel about timber he is realy fun and i had my last game where i won a lane 1v2 getting a double kill as soon as i hit 6 i think timber is a good hero that can snow ball hard if he gets blood stone fsat what do u guys think


                                                                              @fuck my life

                                                                              I havent played legion jungle i always go mid but seems good for winning the games so i kinda know how it works in dire jungle but can u explain how to jungle from the start? (Items, camps, need to stack like axe jungle?,...)


                                                                                @meepo meta
                                                                                U played brood before?
                                                                                The hero is aa monster in lower mmr (at least up to 3-4k)
                                                                                The only thing they do in lane against her is putting down wards and u can counter that easily

                                                                                Just play like this
                                                                                Go offlane with these items : soul ring recipe - sentry pack - tango - salve
                                                                                Then get quelling blade asap
                                                                                Then soul ring and boot
                                                                                Lane won (u gotta deward their ward by placing ur ward inside the trees dont be stupid placing it in the lane so they counter that and u counter the new one again)
                                                                                Get early orchid if u can ezly kill a lot
                                                                                Get necro book3
                                                                                Vlads not bad
                                                                                Diffusal (for the purge)
                                                                                Then any item the situation needs


                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  There are two ways:
                                                                                  1) Get iron talon first, then buy stout and ferry it to yourself when you can (if your mid is at 600 gold and farming a bottle, don't be a dick, wait for him to get it), if he's far away from bottle you can safely use the courier since it's not gonna travel far anyway, you should farm the hard camp first and then go medium camp to heal up
                                                                                  2) Get rop stout quell and don't depend on courier that much, you still need that talon to speed up your farm, but with this build it's a lot easier to just farm the two medium camps until you get your talon recipe from the courier, else (without stout shield) you're gonna struggle

                                                                                  Also you want to cut trees to make your walks faster, on dire side this is pretty straightforward, you just cut one tree between the hard and mid camp in the right part of the jungle, on radiant you need to chop a whole lot of trees to make your walking more efficient, and the 2nd medium camp you're gonna farm if you kill the leftmost hard and medium camps quickly is pretty far away, sometimes it's not even worth going to it (if it's like :50 and you've killed both camps) so just wait. The best thing you can do is make sure you kill one hard camp every minute, this should guarantee a 5 minute level 6 and a 7 minute blink at which point you get a blink and TP and conserve enough mana for tp + PTA + duel.

                                                                                  As for stacking, sometimes it's good, when you get a few levels of MoC stacking is really good, at level 1 it's terrible, so make sure you have at least level 2 and that you don't stack with centaurs unless you focus-talon the big one right away, don't even think about stacking the hard camp if you're low, talon is good at taking one big creep out, if there are two big creeps that hit really hard already, don't stack at low health, for example, if you stack the hellbear camp and big satyr camp it's gonna kill you if you're low @ lvl 3, but there's hardly any point in stacking, you will kill camps really fast anyway.

                                                                                  It's the best if you stack a medium camp because you didn't quite finish it (golems take too long to kill for example) in that case kill the big golems, stack the small ones, and let them hit you while you're hitting other creeps, they do next to no damage but they proc your MoC which means you farm faster, so do this by all means if you can't finish a camp before :56 or something.


                                                                                    To be honest, as someone who's tried to figure out how to climb MMR for awhile, i'll tell you this: In order to understand how to escape any bracket, you just need to figure out where/what most players go wrong. In 1k, they really can't last hit at all, they can't farm, they don't take any opportunities given to them when they should push/rax.

                                                                                    In 2k, most players such as myself can't itemize. We can farm a little bit, but certainly not as good higher end players. We're not efficient. We don't always have the best map awareness. We don't position correctly (although this is easy to learn once you understand what it really is, i recommend purge for positioning, otherwise watch ProfessorFierce on Positioning). Learn when you can and can't kill other heroes.

                                                                                    Lastly, in order to beat 1k and 2k, you have to learn how to abuse the other players. Make them lose to themselves. I understand this stuff in theory, but in game i'm trash at it. It takes practice. That's all i got for ya. Good luck. Research heroes, read guides, look up positioning, look up map awareness. Ask specific questions you have. You have to constantly one up the enemies when you play Dota if you want to win. And to be honest, it's really easy once you get a grasp at it, and that's how you climb. At least in my opinion.

                                                                                    Long hard road out of 2k

                                                                                      treads blademail bkb bloodseeker offlane 2-1-4 build ez snowball


                                                                                        @fuck my life

                                                                                        Tnx only one thing. what camps in radiant did u mean by hard and medium? The left side jungle or right side? Left ones you mean i suppose right?

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          Yes, don't farm the right side of the radiant jungle, it's garbage now.


                                                                                            To grind mmr you have to pick heroes who have high average winrates in your bracket and are strong in the current patch. For carries that means primarily Spectre, Ursa, Wraith King and Medusa, for mids it's Zeus and Necrophos, for offlaners omniknight, abaddon and undying, for supports crystal maiden, lich and warlock.

                                                                                            Case in point - I have won the last four out of four of my Zeus mid games.


                                                                                              ^ahahhaha 4Head
                                                                                              thats not how it works, dude


                                                                                                people arent toxic in 2k. They just ocasionally fuck your mother or cyka blet. In higher mmr, people will open their hearth and will take some time to explain every single mistake you make. They will literally express all their emotions and feelings, even though they just poison themselves and no one actually cares lol, but they will put everything they can in their flame. They think others care what they are saying and will keep telling you their own opinions.

                                                                                                plz do

                                                                                                  play 3000 hours dota within the next half year and u most likely will be +3k.


                                                                                                    @triplesteal - I provided some anecdotal evidence which backs up my point. Case dismissed.

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      People at 2k do not understand anything, they literally have no idea how to play the game, so they will shout stupid non-constructive shit at you while you're trying to win the game really hard.

                                                                                                      2k is where you get bounty hunters who rush battlefury, pls that go for vlads, etc, it's terrible.

                                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                                        nah, 2k is where a bounty will have brown boots dagon 5 at 40 minutes and flame mid for not ganking