General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did Icefrog nerfed TB so hard?

Why did Icefrog nerfed TB so hard? in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    title. Was TB really such a good hero? I mean, he nerfed strength gain, his illusions, Meta MS, his illusions do less dmg to towers, glyph resets if T1 gets destroyed.

    Also there are little bullshit things(IMO) like BAT when in Demon form being 1.6 instead of 1.5 and i don't get why and other things like that



      tb was complete garbage for 3 patches
      now he's playable

      6.81 TB was a beast, i wish I played more in that patch

      saving private RTZ

        i know he was a beast but why did OSfrog make him garbage? Was he really that strong? I mean, heroes like Jugg, Sniper, Troll , leshrac, storm etc got their patches to shine, TB never did. He was nerfed straight after he got ported


          Current TB is really strong. They just tweaked him from an obvious splitpusher till superfat to a hero that actually can participate in fights and be strong after just some core items like yasha bkb.

          tl;dr they changed him, not nerfed him. He's strong.

          saving private RTZ

            ^meh, i don't like reflection.

            I mean 100% damage is cool and stuff, but conjure image is just too good for farming. 2 points in Reflection i think are enough


              inb4 kappa noraml skill go kill urself xdddddd go away

              I remember in 6.82, it was basically that a TB rat was near unstoppable. You could easily jungle with him lvl 1, get travels>yasha and then either go the zenoth/matrice build farming literally the entire map and your illusions could do the dirty tower hitting work while being pretty tanky. Most tbs would rarely even show on the map and still somehow have 8k tower dmg consistently. He had to be nerfed cause his splitpush was MUCH stronger than any other heros at that time. If needed, he could also easily become a fighter like he is rn but that was much rarer. iirc he was also really strong in lane and a single reflection meant insta death for the offlaner. Overall a really powerful jack of all trades.

              Matrice or zenoth would defo give much better answers to this tho


                also you cant swear on dotabuff anymore? what is this