General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman matchups?

Shadow Shaman matchups? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Can someone check me and see what my win percentage is with shadow shaman on my team? It's all anecdotal but I feel like I never win with this guy on my team, even though he has a pub win rate over 50%.

    In theory he should be an excellent ganker and lane support with two disables. But mine seem to feed, and do very little tower dmg despite that ult.


      All Time you have played 107 games where your teammate picked Shaman. You won 42.99%

      Only 12 allied heroes are worse for you. Maybe you are not playing in a way that synergies well with Shaman.

      Dire Wolf

        Ok so is it pretty awful, that's what I thought but didn't have the stats.

        I don't know what is a suitable playstyle for him though. This was the last game we lost,

        Shadow shaman 2-12-10. Obviously he's not the only issue, actually felt our mid was more of a problem. They ran dual offlane with bb and wd, really hard to lane against. Shaman vs bb is a nice pick for shackle kills to keep his facing but wd just interrupts them. Then their TA came to gank top a ton and magnus never countered. Same time their offlane PL silencer combo was kicking our lina wk combo's ass, which again, that seems like it should be an easy matchup for them. Silencer is a huge pain in the ass but with wk stun to setup lina stun you ought to be able to kill him every time he leaves tower. Pl doesn't do that much dmg early.


          I think the best way of making use of ss is having a carry who benefits from the mass disables like ursa, gyro, slark, jugger. Maxing shackles first is pretty strong and he is much better on radiant.


            I've got 86 games 57% winrate using Shaman. I played it a lot back in dota 1 as well. While his disables are great for their super long duration I find that he is really best used as a pushing hero. If you want to win a game with a Shaman on your team you need to get situations set up where he can put serpent wards on the tower.

            Serpent wards are not really a burst dmg skill, but over the long duration they have more total damage than any other support hero. And towers or roshan are really the only targets that make that total damage worthwhile. Total damage from a full duration of maxed wards is over 30k....but that takes 45 seconds. Usually wards die or all targets die long before they time out, unless you get them on a tower and protect them.

            That's the thing I think a lot of teams forget. You have to protect those wards. If you do they win the game for you.


              shadow shaman is a rly strong hero

              u get lvl 6 on him n u push with ur team

              one of the few support heroes that can solo rosh as well

              Dire Wolf

                So pusher heroes like necro, bristle, frontliners who can tank while wards kill tower?


                  Yeah, those work well. Also split pushers are great. Shaman can take a tower all by himself easily if they have to decide which to defend.


                    Yeah i don't know he seems to be just super bad. Very bad laning support against a dual lane because he has super low range so he can't harass without taking harrass back and he has low hp and armour so loses out most right click battles. Also high mana cost on his nuke and it pushes the wave, and his solo target nuke is channelled and low range. Really good as a support against a single offlaner though since in those cases he can easily lockdown the enemy hero and the carry beats on them. Of course most games are up against dual offlanes though so that never happens.

                    I also have a 42% winrate on him over 56 games across all my dota games. 12 lowest behind such gems of heroes as lone druid jungle, <3k earth spirits, elder titan, broodmother and jungle prophet.

                    Pale Mannie

                      Yesterday i stole Roshan as Shaman and pushed all t1's with it and was rich as fuck

                      Pale Mannie



                          Your situation is like my BH's, except i just had 20++% winrate =(

                          Riguma Borusu

                            "Serpent wards are not really a burst dmg skill, but over the long duration they have more total damage than any other support hero."

                            Crystal maiden frowns upon hearing this.


                              Even if every single explosion in freezing field hit maximum possible dmg is 25k, 31k with Aghs. That never happens, never even 25% of them hit.

                              Also its randomly distrubuted and reduced by magic resistance. Meanwhile Serpent wards does more dmg, can be directed, and does both physical and magic dmg. You can direct Serpent wards so 100% of their damage is applied until the target dies if you protect the wards... which it always will since nothing, not even roshan, has enough hp to survive the full duration.

                              Besides this CM has to channel freezing field. Shaman merely has to cast wards and die. You can still do all that dmg even if you have nothing but a blink dagger and are immediately focused and killed.

                              No one fears CM pushing a tower. While Shaman erases them.

                              If no one is hitting towers, I'll get necro too for good measure. I can do a ton of work while dead with necro 3 and Serpent wards.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I decided to try him myself and it worked, but anything would've worked that game our mid was like 6-0 first 10 mins, died once fountain diving after megas. And our mirana was fucking awesome hitting a ton of arrows. Most roaming miranas blow.

                                  I agree on the armor thing though, man he is squishy as fuck. 3 deaths all came first 10 minutes in lane to a bh and bm, even with a sentry up and seeing bh coming I'd die. We'd ususally get them as well, I'd shackle and jug spin would kill one then I'd die, then he'd finish the next.

                                  I found it insanely easy to hex and drop ults on people to trap them though, of course you can shackle after for good measure.

                                  So yeah I think his problem might just be he's super fucking squishy and his lockdown requires him to channel so he dies way too much. Very strong lane with jug though for shackle + spin. That was a really smart pick by him.


                                    Dire Wolf

                                      how does invoker lose to lina? I thought invoker beat everything right now.


                                        sorry i have no comment for thread as i never play SS
                                        but voker loses to silencer and OD