General Discussion

General DiscussionGames to play before you can play ranked

Games to play before you can play ranked in General Discussion

    Hello guys! I want to asked if how many games/matches do we nid to play before we can play/calibrate in RMM. Im not new in this game I got my main account with <3k games with 4k mmr. I made this account as my reserve account and now I got 35 games played now 24-11 in very high skill bracket. Im just confuse about the system. Because as wht i've read we nid to reach lvl50 experience trophy, but in my experience I saw someone with less than that. He was only lvl 17 as I remember, that is his experience trophy but his dota 2 lvl was 14. Like the last system before the 'reborn' we nid to be lvl 13 to play ranked. And another guy i saw was i played with him in normal, he got rank already so i got surprised and i checked his profile. I counted his games before he play his RMM it was only 38 games then in 39th he got his ranked game, that made me more confuse. Can someone tell me what is really going on? How about a help from dotabuff admin..

    the realm's delight

      KHALEESI ?

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        If you were able to play ranked before Reborn, then you can play in Reborn no matter what level you are. But for a new account, you need level 50.


          You can play rank match (PARTY) on lvl 9(Bottle)


            Ow. tht is a bad news 4 me. i'll grind till lvl 50 then. thanks for info.


              You can't anymore. You need level 19 or 20 to play party RMM.


                lvl 9 on party? that's good. i have to start party 1st thn. but i'll try to have higher win rate 1st. thanks brother.


                  haha. after a minute it's lvl 19-20 :( better grind lvl 50...

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    It used to be level 50, don't know if it changed.


                      you don't need lvl 50 in reborn profile, but on experience trophy


                        level 50 exp trophy..


                          But i dont get xp after the game why is that? Im lvl 9 tho and no ranked match


                            Its hard to get lvl 50 exp


                              you do get exp into experience trophy
                              you get exp on reborn profile after level up by experience (or any other) trophy