General Discussion

General Discussion@Johno For when you want to listen to advice.

@Johno For when you want to listen to advice. in General Discussion

    how the fuckc od u have 3,3k hero dmg or whatever 6k as a CORE HERO? DAwfuq u doin in the game dawg. Johnhnnhnyy u got isoome cvery clear ISSUES get on the med train bro

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      I'm best doter EU


        good guy Havoc has done it again!


            damn Havoc, I remember you had a thread for game analysis before. I queued up but I think you gave up because of the amount of people that wanted to get their games/profiles analyzed.

            Would be cool if you could do something like that again (do me! do me!)

            не говори по РУ

              You need to write something funny in his steamprofile comments


                ^ no you really don't thanks.

                the realm's delight

                  >A girl I knew in class was a total attention wh.ore.
                  >Never arrived to class on time and always made sure to make a huge fuss about it.
                  >Didn't talk to her all that much, but I had a few conversations with her.
                  >Her wrists had cuts and burns all over them. She wore t-shirts so she never hid them.
                  >I asked her why she would hurt herself like that.
                  >She said "No one loves me and my life is painful" etc., etc.
                  >"No one loves you? What about your parents or your boyfriend?"
                  >Answer she gave me was something like "They actually don't love me," or some shit like that.
                  >Made a point to not interact with her too much after that, because she's too much of an attention wh.ore.
                  >End of the school year, she came up to me and asked if I wanted to go somewhere with her that Sunday.
                  >I'm not good with these situations, so I couldn't say no, even though I didn't like her.
                  >Sunday came, and we went to one of those tower car parks.
                  >Just as we got to the top, she told me that she wanted me to be here as a witness for her suicide.
                  >"Oh shit," I thought. She was going to jump and was forcing me to watch!
                  >Had I known that she was going to do this, I wouldn't have gone with her.
                  >"Not watching unless you do a flip." I said that to try and shock her into realizing this was stupid.
                  >Complete shock was written all over her face. She thought I'd try and stop her.
                  >"E-eh? You're not going to stop me?"
                  >"No, go on ahead. If you really wanted to live, you'd stop yourself."
                  >After a while, she got off the ledge.

                  She walked up to me afterwards and tried to hug me with tears in her eyes, but I told her I loved someone else. She asked me who, and I told her to read the first letter of every line.


                    FOUR HEADS ROFL

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                      4chan at it's finest


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                            Good Guy Havoc , you're awesome mate

                            saving private RTZ

                              Too deep for me

                              SANITY = ECLIPSED

                                OP i think i disagree with you on some points.
                                1) if your team is fighting and stomping early game and you are playing carry why not secure lead of your team by taking towers and getting farm to increase the lead? Give me any reason to run in fights as headless chicken instead of doing that.
                                2)is there any reasons to become active with his team if he is playing in 1k and they wont take objectives after successful fights anyway? why not farm/splitpush instead?


                                  Tbh best thing you can do in 1k MMR(I'm saying as someone who played about 10 games in 1k and won them all) is to take advantage if given.

                                  This means that if you're playing Shadow Fiend or Slark, for example, after you get your core items, you're better of runing into them like headless chicken instead of securing farm. Why?

                                  Because you farm them, you don't farm creeps. You push towers when you kill them.

                                  This also applies to anything below 3k mmr pretty much.

                                  What you want to do is, if somehow you fail to do things above, you try to splitpush and gather some farm and then, if it's not possible to do things above, you balance between clearing out them in teamfight and splitpushing.

                                  2k and 1k(esp. 1k) are bad at defending highground, they suck at dealing with splitpush, and heroes like Shadow Fiend, Slark, even Riki benefit a lot here, because you can simply splitpush them do death if you can't do anything else, but most of the time, if you're at least decent player, you'll end up destroying mid, tower, getting core items and just farming them instead of creeps.

                                  An example:


                                  Game where I was forced to splitpush because I fucked up laning phase cuz I underestimated 1k mmr, not gonna lie:


                                  But games are easy as fuck, it's just that you need to stay chill and don't tilt, and you need to know what are you doing.

                                  It's still same shit even in 2k. It gets harder after like 3.8k mmr, since you'll get matched with 4ks, and eventually small things will matter a lot more, if you're not legit 5k or 6k player.

                                  Like, basically, the more you go in mmr better players will find your weak spots and win game though expiriance and good decision making.

                                  It also comes that better players farm better, and do everything better, so if you combine it, even if better player make some mistake, he'll cover it up with just superior playing overall.


                                    Havoc.. You couldn't find a drow/sf/morana game on the retard?

                                    And havoc may be the nicest but I'm the most good lol. I take it upon myself to flame and get rid of the trash and help selected ones that behave in concordance with the dotabuff code!!


                                      He could. I'll fix it for you!

                                      Game ID:

                                      What you did good? Nothing.

                                      Example of how SF's supposed to be played:

                                      Game ID:

                                      I make you happy Benao. Now provide me SF arcana or I report you.


                                        At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing when you kill them to take a quick tower. None of it happens. And it so damn frustrating when the advantage is lost and they all come rushing down mid to stomp you meanwhile the rest of the team is spread out over the map and by that time your tower is gone.

                                        So if you can imagine being surrounded by people who really can't take note of those things above, then most of the time you have to sit back because you can't go alone or you'll be picked off.

                                        Getting a good start in lane is pretty rare at my level as most don't pick supports, don't help in lane by zoning out and just stand there and auto attack all fucking day, instead you get zoned out and then things fall apart because top over fed or mid hasn't a clue or you get stupid ass pricks just not doing what they should be.

                                        So all this leads me to be less confident because I haven't been able to farm efficiently and there carries are over fed.

                                        This does not happen on higher MMR as much and without much of the mistakes then playing on higher MMR has to be much easier than this shite some of the times. At least you have a support who will ward for you, zone for you, stack for you and pull for you and help protect you.

                                        So then I get advice telling me to concentrate on myself and ignore my teammates, which has included advice like, just afk farm, dont fight till you have your items. It really does not work like that and I am fed up with those who think it's piss easy. It's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level.

                                        So I have to get better at itemization and knowing when to fight/farm/push.

                                        I need lots of help in deciding how to choose my items and hence I buy a lot of items I may not need, or more so, that I don't know whether I should.

                                        In my opinion it's easy to give people advice based on their experience, but it's a lot different based on that individual's understanding of the whole game than it is of the noob who is receiving the advice.

                                        But anyway, can someone help and explain the reasoning and how to decide on what items I need to buy.
                                        Then maybe explain when I should be farming afk vs fighting with my team?

                                        These two issues are holding me back in every game, and i'm sure most of the mistakes pointed out by Havoc are related to these two hey things.
                                        Thanks again.


                                          I'm not a pro player by any means, but you're just wrong here, because you're not good yourself.

                                          As I said, I'm 3.5-4k ony my main and 4.5k(currently) on my smurf. While I can't explain you some more advanced things, since I struggle with them aswell, I am 100% sure that I'll help you with basic ones.

                                          Havoc is great player and great teacher, but he does not want to bother answering you all the time, simply because even if I want to help guys like you, this post you wrote just give me cancer.

                                          I assume you're 1.5-2k mmr, the lower you go, easier it gets. At that mmr it's fucking IRELEVANT what supports or anyone do.

                                          They can literally pick 4 techies and you'll still be able to win game regardless. You just need to work on your gameplay and improve.

                                          Anyways, I have plenty of time because my work is based on internet mostly, so if you really want to get better, just add me and I'll try to help you.

                                          I assure you I'll be helpfull if you actually want to get better, because I already helped a lot of people and some of them are actually higher MMR then me now, and better players then me.

                                          And yes, I have no trouble admiting that, because that's true.

                                          So as long as you want to get better, I'll provide you intel for some basics stuff and you will get better.

                                          Up to you.


                                            Delusional piece of shit


                                              Benao, cmon, stop flaming him. Let's try to help him instead. :>

                                              This is the reason why people hate this forum. 4k/5k people come and flame less skiled players just because they are narrow minded sometimes.

                                              That's just how it goes. It's okay to be narrow minded at first, but that's not the reason to flame him. Not immediately at least.

                                              Sometimes you're narrow minded and delusional because you literally can't see things the right way.

                                              He does not understand the game on level you do, and he can't see why is that bad or why is he wrong.


                                                Added you.


                                                  You gotta become a student of the game, or just play thousands of games if you really want to get gud.

                                                  BTW, your mind influences games more than anything. I love playing DP recently because I can convince my team to push, and fight the enemy (when they aren't ready for it), just by spamming "Exorcism Read: Level X"
                                                  If you are confident in yourself, and know you can lead a team in whatever role you are playing, then play ranked. I used to have a %50 winrate on the nose because I always thought, "Oh shit, I won the last one, and the DotA gods will make me lose this one." As facetious as that sounds, any thinking that even goes along those lines can be EXTREMELY detrimental to you.

                                                  I actually won a ranked game with some Mexican's I couldn't communicate with because I made them laugh, and set their mind at ease. They were comfortable in the game, and I just communicated with the Chat Wheel, and all was well.
                                                  That is the type of leadership you want. Not connect to the game, "Everyone speak English? No, well shit, geegee" - which is what I used to do.

                                                  saving private RTZ


                                                    I am going to beat a dead horse here but i still can't believe you come with the same "teammates lose the advantage" when Havoc already pointed out, 70% of the games you underperform and do little to nothing to help your team.

                                                    The "farm on my own and use space created by the team" is good when you actually can farm but look, you fail to get 200GPM 20 minutes into the game which is simply abysmal.

                                                    On your level is better to fight with the team as you will get lots lots of gold.

                                                    So what i suggest is: Learn to farm. Watch Bren Dota's videos on carries, they are pretty good, he is a 6.7k player or smth.

                                                    The when to take fights and when to farm question, you will find the answer more you play. This pretty much come with time. They are game sense stuff. You can't really teach someone how to feel the game, because every game is different in dota, and there are so much variables. Best you can do, is get a live coach but even then, you can't have a coach for your whole life.

                                                    So, due to your innability to farm properly, it would be much better to just stick with your team for now, until you get some more expierence under your belt and start to feel the game.

                                                    I think i explained it so you can understand, but anyway, guys above me like Havoc, Andro, Shred gave very useful advice.


                                                      @MingLee My advice not useful? </3

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        The support thing doesn't really get better, yes, they are more potent later on. But offlaners get more potent aswell, will contest pulls, will trade effectively, will pull themselves,will mess with the creep aggro etc.

                                                        As a carry you can't just sit in lane and expect everything to be given to you, sometimes you have to trade yourself, sometimes you have to 1v1 or sometimes you get dual laned and the best you can do is tell your support to do smth else, like ganking mid, stacking, helping offlane or other things while you can leech xp.

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          I didn't actually read it srry


                                                            if you're expecting your support to do nothing for you in lane then why aren't you itemising for that situation? buy extra starting regen. you can't really go wrong with 2 sets of tangos, 1 salve, and ring of protection or stout shield. if you went ring you can also get a faerie fire, just don't forget to use it in early fights.

                                                            you're never gonna lose games before the laning phase is over because you bought extra regen, but you are gonna lose games by not buying enough regen and being zoned out, because good early game farm will generally lead into good late game farm. it's like gaining interest. if you start early the payoff is much bigger later on.


                                                              Ok, he added me and I watched his Tiny game from starting point to ending point.

                                                              Basically this is what I saw.

                                                              His camera control is terrible, he edge pan but for some reason he covers up only part of the map which he needs for farming.

                                                              An example of what he does is below:

                                                              Laning phase, he's against PA, Sven pings him to kill pa, he gives 0 fucks, keeps farming and his camera is positioned that way he can safely see every creep. He does not bother to move down a bit, check where PA is/etc.

                                                              Sven is stunning her, he has no clue where she is, he just kept on with farming.

                                                              It's only only that, several times he was unaware of where enemy heroes are. Even with map hack he would still not know where they are, because he rarely looks at minimap, he uses his mouse to edge pan just where he wants to go to farm.

                                                              It took me several times to make him use his stun+toss combo. I think I made it finally after 5 or sixth atempt.

                                                              I tried to tell him to go agressive on them, not to afk farm and he kinda did it, he had better impact compared to his last games(check HD-kills-etc)

                                                              I also told him to get pt-drums and silver edge for PA, he got blink(which is not bad, but i just assumed that with his MMR he wont be able to combo blink well and that Silver Edge is better), but for some reason he bought blink just to seel it, buy bottle and buy silver edge.

                                                              Bottle shoping was just next level, he did it at like 30 min into the game or close to it.

                                                              Few times I cought him running around like headless chicken into circle while his team was pushing mid. Eventually he came and helped them, but SF was already dead cuz he came too late.

                                                              It's all because he does not use his edge-paning to check where they are, or his minimap to navigate to see what's going on.

                                                              He is just using edge paning to go and check what next creep he can take, he gently just navigate next part of that juicy little creep wave and takes his time to get it ^_^.

                                                              After 10 atepmts he tried to get btter with it, started to look at enemy heroes/etc, but it's still just still bad.

                                                              He had some good moves later on, where he finally started to use combo(stun+toss). Like, tossing SF on pudge, then using auto attacks to finish them off, etc.

                                                              I would sugest him to watch this, it'll help him devolop better map awarness and better camera positioning.



                                                              I'll just say if it helped me it'll help him aswell.

                                                              That's it from me, I really tried my best to help him. It's actually up to him if he wants to get better, because things he's doing are just stupid.

                                                              Seems like he's lazy and he's processiin infomrations and intels way too slow.


                                                                MVP of that match = Shred
                                                                Seriously though Johno, you really owe this guy alot for his help.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  lol dude comon, opposing team got 6 cs/min and 5 cs/min on their carrys in your wk game, and your kunkka has 5 cs/min. don't talk about oh it's impossible to fucking farm cus you get picked off etc, and then get carried by people on your team or beat by opposing team who do EXACTLY THAT. It is quite amazing to see something so pathetic, I'll bet you spend a huge amount of time in games just sitting around not knowing what to do or doing anything. Did you really buy and then sell armlet pieces? rofl

                                                                  Look it's really, really simply. Just pretend you are with bots, cs in lane, rotate through jungle, NEVER stand still doing nothing. Start with that, go from there. Once you got that down and are getting 50-60 cs min 10, then 100-125 min 20, start looking to join fights. Watch some pro play. Just watch someone play a jug or gyro or something in a farming game, follow them for 20 mins, see what they do, where the go get farm. It's really eye opening if you have no clue where and when these guys go places.

                                                                  and PS: OH MEME DO MEEEE HAVOC!


                                                                    do me too havoc KappaPride


                                                                      Is it possible and this guy actually understood some things and learned something new? It's pretty damn rare, time will tell it anyways. Theory is one thing, knowing when to apply it is whole other thing tho.


                                                                        Good stuff.


                                                                          how do you add twitch emotes in forum posts

                                                                          acc buyers in my team

                                                                            i told you already, he is delusional,every advice is completely pointless. Just stop giving him attention.


                                                                              How about quit while you are ahead Kathy, your of no help what so ever mate. No harm dude but your a little stuck up child who clearly didn't have a clue how to help me. Advice like concentrate on last hitting and come back to me, at my level was not helping me at all thats like telling a child learn how to walk then come back to me. I said to you many times and you just ignored the fact it wasn't helping. So as you can see things such as analysing my game which others have done is just what was needed. You are just too narrow minded to even realise this in the first place.

                                                                              Anyway with that off my chest, I will get to the point, it seems some people can't get enough attention.

                                                                              Thanks for the feedback during my match and pointing out those mistakes. Camera control is a big problem for me and seems to affect many aspects of my game. Watching the minimap is always on my mind but I haven't developed the habit yet. I need to practice and get into the habit of doing it more, so will check out those videos.

                                                                              Thanks again for your help and everyone who has contributed in that fashion.


                                                                                The thing he needs, perhaps, is another 1-2k player replays


                                                                                I'm a 1k player too (due to calibrating too early, right when I can, when I didn't understand anything) and didn't bother with ranked anymore (unranked is more fun, found out it is more skilled than ranked. Also partying is funnier). The 1st game is 3 man stack, 2nd is solo queue. Notice the farm difference? I don't. When you're carry, it is your job to farm anything you can grab. If your support can't do anything, do it by yourself. Change lane, goes to jungle, stack and pull by yourself, anything.

                                                                                I don't want to hear another "player on my level is bad etc etc" since this game is also at 1k potato tier, SEA server to boot. See replay if you really need it (search the match ID) for farming pattern, when to rotate etc. Or use to parse it

                                                                                Oh btw, critics are welcome too

                                                                                EDIT: how did you link URL here lol

                                                                                Also, concentrate at last hit is solid advice. It is the first thing you need to develop. No matter how good your map awareness is, if you can't even farm, you have no impact to the game as a carry. Turn off the auto attack in setting (it's easier for newbies) and just right click creeps when it's going to die. Spam s button if necessary to correct your timing. Our match count is (nearly) similiar, come on. Don't make much excuse and just try better.


                                                                                  OP you mention that some of the advise given to you - "afk farm, do not fight until you have some core items" is of no use because you do not have supports that will zone for you etc etc you want your team to do all the hard work for you etc etc.

                                                                                  There are 2 solutions here:

                                                                                  1. dont pick a safe lane carry that is going to be heavily reliant on ur 1k noob support players. practice heroes like gyrocopter, viper, and juggernaught, who are strong in lane and pretty easy to farm with. a very good safe lane carry player will find farm regardless of whether or not their supports have been successful. im shit at doing this also and its 1 of the reasons why i dont play safe lane carries very often.

                                                                                  2. just learn to play mid. then you wont have a problem with your supports being incompetent. at 1k mmr supports are pretty much irrelevant when ur playing mid, as none of them will gank mid for you, or for the enemy team.


                                                                                    I know how to last hit, but last hitting efficiently is another matter which I need to practice more at. But to tell someone solely to focus on last hitting in a game of dota is not going to improve on the key issues that I face. This is not addressing the many problems I already have which are affecting my game. That's all im getting at.

                                                                                    I don't auto attack creeps either, it's off long time ago.

                                                                                    It's not an excuse at all mate, I am simply pointing out what I said above.



                                                                                      Great point ceesa I agree, however I kinda gave up picking mid as everyone wants it and then you get 3 players just sitting mid and no one will give in. This happens nearly every game, so I just go mid when no one has picked, rest of the time i go to another lane.

                                                                                      I think i will have to be more insistent on mid though.



                                                                                        Learning how to last hit properly will insta boost you to at least 4k ez

                                                                                        Also listen to that Havoc guy, he very gentle.


                                                                                          Yes I am aware of that mate, but it doesn't sort out itemization or camera problems does it? There was many other problems that needed addressed first.

                                                                                          I have listened to those who want to help mate, its that simple, you want to offer help im happy to accept, but I will repeat once more.

                                                                                          I won't take trash talk from anyone.


                                                                                              Don't insist on mid, it's annoying to see 3 people demanding mid at drafting phase, no need to make it 4. Pick solid laner as ceesa said, or Medusa. Good early game (people tend to underestimate mystic snake's damage and eat 500 damage nuke then dies), great farming tool (split shot), great survivability (mana shield + stone gaze). She teach you to position yourself better due to no blink / invis (and it's a waste of slot for going blink / sb on her), to farm efficiently (she need item! Duh), and to roflstomp everyone (stone gaze and laugh with linken skadi butterfly rapier lol)

                                                                                              And 1k tend to prolong games when it didn't need to, farm after teamfight instead of pushing.

                                                                                              About itemisation, I can't said much since I can't watch your replay right now. But...

                                                                                              Tiny games: BoT treads tp scroll, really? Ms didn't stack, tp scroll shares cooldown

                                                                                              Slark: too low hero damage, you could kill people with treads oov pms (and sb you didn't buy), why not hunt?


                                                                                                You can win normal/high mmr games by simply having more shit. (Last hits give you more shit)


                                                                                                  if you can get good at farming it doesnt matter if your camera control is shit when being 2 items ahead of the enemy carry makes up for that.

                                                                                                  farming is one aspect of the game that you can improve in order to increase your chance of winning a game, so is having good camera control. ignoring that you should get better at farming is like saying you don't want to improve.

                                                                                                  the reason you're getting trashed on is because you're being defensive and making up excuses when people offer valid criticism.


                                                                                                    this is why people are the same average skill as you even though you may supposedly know more. game knowledge is one aspect of skill that helps you win games. sometimes having knowledge of game mechanics helps you itemise or skill build more efficiently for example, and that can edge out wins in some cases.

                                                                                                    while some players might not have that knowledge, they may have better mechanical skills so that even if they don't itemise or skill 100% efficiently, they win games by simply outplaying their opponents for example.

                                                                                                    same with people being good at farming. they may not build the best items but if they're 10k gold ahead of the enemy carry, they're still going to outcarry them even if their networth is effectively 80% efficient because they didn't build the best items.

                                                                                                    and so on, for every aspect of the game such as map awareness, positioning, game sense, et cetera.


                                                                                                      @Johno is fucking trash and retarded kid going nowhere! Studying or finished psychology studies? Damn that's a university for retards for sure. Grow up and listen you useless sack of shit and don't come back until you do. Stop trolling/spamming our forums with your stupid whiny shit attitude and below 12 yo processing ability sad monkey with dunning kruger. And you still got the balls to say you UNDERSTAND THE GAME AND KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT? FUCK YOU! Typical shit that thinks they know something from watching some pro games and listening to casters that barely share like 20% of what's going on if 20% at all!

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!