General Discussion

General DiscussionXP per minute

XP per minute in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I have a couple of questions about XP in Dota 2 and on this site.

    1. Is XPM an average over the whole game or your max XPM in that game?
    2. Do you contine to get XP even once you reach level 25, which is added onto your XPM?


      1. If you click on matches, it tells you what your average XPM is over all games.
      If you click on a specific game, it will tell you your XPM in that one match.

      2. Yes, you continue to get XP even after you reach level 25. That is why in Records, there is a "Most Experience" Tab


        Thanks, but is the match-by-match XPM the average XPM over the whole game, or the peak?

        Dire Wolf

          related question, in a match when it shows gpm and net worth, is gpm literallly just net worth / duration? And then is networth and gpm affected by all the gold lost from deaths? (would seem fairly obvious that it is) What if your gold is all reliable so you don't lose any?
