General Discussion

General DiscussionCompendium challenges are detrimental to the health of DotA

Compendium challenges are detrimental to the health of DotA in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Have you had those "don't end the game now, I need to stun people for 100 seconds" or "I picked lone druid because I have to win in the first 10 minutes"? Ofc there are more of those people @ unranked, but I've seen fucking retards doing this shit in ranked too, namely picking huskar for some retarded challenge (against lifestealer and ursa no less), is it just a low mmr thing or people are brain damaged everywhere?

    Dire Wolf

      it's everywhere, people picking heroes they have no clue on etc. I did it too last TI, played warlock and lina for 12 games going 2-10 (which should've been fucking impossible, those heroes so op at the time lol).

      I didn't buy the compendium this time around though, not on enough lately.


        People are going to do stupid stuff in game anyway. I've lost games because someone said "Don't End now I want to get my Satanic" People will pick huskar into stupid stuff because they want to play Huskar. The challenges just give them an excuse to do so. Obviously they shouldn't be doing it in Ranked games but you cant really stop them.


          But seriously, don't take dota too seriously unless you want to become a pro player. Not good for one's mental health.

          yung griphook

            yeah the challenges should be ineligible in ranked games, restricting you to normal games to complete them.

            but then again, that might deter people from buying the pass in the first place because normal games are a shit show and dont count half the time anyway

            Pale Mannie


                Who gives a fuck, just keep it off ranked and gg

                Riguma Borusu

                  People are actually doing this shit in ranked, guess I'll just play unranked until the craze wears off.


                    I just pick visage and give no fucks


                      theyre fun but should definitely be out of ranked

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I'm happier to see people spam shit they love (and know how to play) even if it's a bit of a bad pick, than to see fucking retards that pick hero for the first time to get the challenge off.


                          Woah chronic hero picker too?
                          So I heard u liek LC.. Y u no reply to that spectre thread.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^what spectre thread? There were few, is there anything in particular I need to reply to?


                              they were having some debate on LC vs Spectre late game. Its the one titled "who are the good heroes to pick against Spec and PA"