General Discussion

General DiscussionChoking in ranked compared to unranked.

Choking in ranked compared to unranked. in General Discussion
Call me Maeby

    To start, I play games casusally. I enjoy them and play alot but I don't really have a huge competetive drive for it. I like to improve, and the improvement is a bigger reward than a win. That being said, praticing and feeling like you've improved only to go into ranked and then procede to not do all of the things you have practiced sucks. My win rate in unranked is ~50%, but in ranked it is 33%. Has anyone else noticed such a huge variance in ranked win percentage and unranked win percentage as exists in my profile?

    I don't think i would attribute it to being in the wrong skill bracket as both ranked and unranked are around 3k and I don't think that the mmr system would factor that much until the difference was like 500+ mmr.


      Comparing ranked to unranked LMFAO! ROFL!!!


        u have 50 ranked games play 950 more and you can compare winrates

        Call me Maeby

          So if I've played 50 games of ranked, and upon reflecting upon the performance in those games, I not only do worse than other games, but I am unable to even do the same things I have done plenty of times in unranked (like jungle on sand king, something I have done plenty of times), where is the motivating factor to play 900 more of them? I don't enjoy them, people are asshats regardless of ranked/unranked. Selecting English so that I can communicate with my teamates does nothing to reduce the amount of spanish speaking people. Objectively speaking, ranked and unranked are the same. Except in one I am actually doing things, and the other I mess up an inordinate amount of stuff and don't have any fun; so I quit playing them. I was asking if anyone else has noticed something similar and both of you gave me half sentences without anything constructive and instead decided to poke fun. Hooray online community!


            don't listen to Benao. He has never said anything worth listening to.

            50 games is a pretty small sample size. There's enough randomness in the matchmaking that it's a hard comparison to make between 950 games of unranked and 50 games of ranked.

            people play differently in ranked and unranked. People try harder in ranked; they care about winning more. That means that they're easier to troll, so trolls troll harder in ranked, too.

              Bad Intentions

                hey now X be nice, remember the code of conduct man :]

                alright, OP, listen man. You just have to be more aggressive in winning in ranked. People are more serious there. Also, you need to pick your effective heroes that can let you win, else youll be in a disadvantage with guys in ranked who picks their best heroes. Add me up man so I can also spy on your gamez :]

                < blank >

                  Benao, Mr. Mod said you are fucking bullshit

                  This must turn into a rap battle, create new thread for this.
                  I wanna see some bars dropping


                    "so trolls troll harder in ranked, too."

                    so fucking true

                    and when the people there suck, they suck harder too


                      Bad Intentions :) oke :) I :) remember :) code :) of :) conduct :) I :) read :) it :) again :) get :) cancer :) :)

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Now is the worst time possible to play low mmr ranked because a ton of fucking idiots are trying to finish their fucking battlepass quests, so prepare to see people playing heroes they never played in their life, feeding while trying to secure a sub 9 minute midas, a specific healing/hero damage or last hit score. It's just retarded people are doing that in ranked, and if they happen to be on your team, you're fucked.

                        Call me Maeby

                          thank you, other people, for restoring a little of my faith in the dota community. Its not like I am ever going to be a serious or competetive player and you were willing to take that into consideration and provide feedback that is helpful instead of saying that your bad (which, considering how often I have time to play is to be expected). Understanding that the large base of casual players who will never play more than every once in a while (but like me, still watch games and follow the scene for its entertainment) helps pay for and give exposure to the game that all of the hardcore players love as well.


                            This mod is new, don't listen to a scrub like him. He's still blind and clueless about advice and how dota works

                            Bad Intentions

                              Omg benao 😨 pls respect our mods 😨


                                Just drop the banhammer already.


                                  m8 its easy, if u are not competitive don't play ranked ! If u are in it just for fun, play normal. Once u join ranked, its only logical u give it your 100%, witch should not be trash.


                                    I don't play solo on SEA for that reason. I know, Phils will shout at me for no reason.
                                    (Word of advice, easiest way to dominate your own lane: Venomancer.)
                                    You can beat a mid duallane (rare) easily (unless you're potato).
                                    Good advice is keep playing normal until you get drafted into High Skill and you'll get ranked MM with only HS people then.