General Discussion

General Discussion#supportRant

#supportRant in General Discussion

    I love to support i think its a enjoyable it's awesome, there is nothing like making that clutch shallow grave on a PA who gets a triple kill.
    Or a Earth splitter late game on all heroes.

    But i swear to goodness me, i probably get reported so much because i support.

    I'm all down for someone else supporting but when 3 tards play carries and the other one randoms in a ranked mode its up to me to salvage a game.

    why do people immediately blame the support for all their problems?, when your mid doesnt rotate for a gank or someone doesnt call missing. i know im in a scrub MMR but goodness me son even higher MMR game i watch people say GG no support.


      don't play support. instead instalock cores and blame your problems on your supports. you will find the game much more fun this way.


        I usually random as first, and I honestly hope to random a good support.. Those 200gold come in handy for the first sentry / smoke / dust but I won't reroll jugg or am. I wish people around 3.4k were more versatile with their picks, but more often than not do I encounter players who type "I can't play support" and we end up with a fucking jungler, mid who goes midas and offlaner that feeds.
        I feel you. Supports get the blame, and noone seems to like playing them. It's just so much fun to solo rape enemy core with kotl / wd / dazzle or set up the play on a moment's notice, rotate for counter gank and turn it in your advantage.
        Seriously guys, unless you can play 10 heroes for each position, don't even go ranked.

        /Rant over


            1) Mid doesnt gank, supports do
            2) get some map awarness
            3) How is a support player toxic?
            4) Oh and randoming is not a problem of first pick


              this is why I love the conduct reports. People always flame and say they're going to report, but they don't. Do your conduct reports show that people are actually reporting you?


                There are always going to be idiots in dota.


                  Want to shove Dazzle's staff up into those carry retard ass because they think it's always my fault but actually it's their fault to tower dive and failed to get a kill and get killed instead because they dive too far that 5 secs are not enough to run from tower.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    well I actually had to get into VHS to find people even remotely worth supporting most games, believe me, in normal skill the percentage of times you should and can play support falls of drastically, of course low VHS and especially unranked is still shit in terms of supporting, you're often going to solo support etc, but people are much much better than those in normal skill, in general.

                    So my advice is to either play cores or talk to Minerva (I think it's a she?), so you can get some insight into how to support @ lower levels.


                      Test of Faith best skill for dipshit carries that dive too much

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^and then they flamed you because they were two attacks away from rampage, even if they've completely disregarded the fact they had 117 HP under the enemy tower.

                        lm ao

                          scraps how much is your mmr


                            I don't know about you but in all my years of playing support, I can't remember a time where I was reported for being the support.


                              Well today I got "putang ina mo" flew right in to my face for not going with some pinoy (everyone else was hitting roshan) to kill someone because I can smell a trap and I am right because all of his (enemy) teammates came out like "Surprise, mother!@#$er" and proceed to rape him so hard that I couldn't help him even I already ping a map to warn him that it's a trap but he didn't listen to me.


                                There is honestly nothing more satisfying then playing Dazzle or Abaddon and keeping your idiot glass-cannon carry alive while they're diving. Most if them will even acknowledge your assistance when you save them from certain death.


                                  Stop ranting and learn how to play support correctly you scrubs


                                    3 things that piss off support

                                    1. People who don't look at warded map

                                    Yeah, you told me to plant wards and have you ever looked at it huh?

                                    2. People who run away from healing range

                                    You are critically wounded and I'm trying to patch you up then you see someone having a low hp so you run away from me just to get a kill, WTF do you think you are doing? You are lucky that you don't get ganked!

                                    3. People who go back and DIE after being saved

                                    Even more frustrating than the previous guy, this one actually dies. In cases when someone has to inevitably die, between the carry and the support, it’s better that the latter goes to his death. So if I jumps in there and tries to save you, don’t let my death be in vain. Go escape and left me there to die so you can live, farm, and lay waste to the enemy team later.

                                    So far only these 3 types of people that I encountered when playing as support pissed me off so hard that I have to play Paint the town red to vent out my rage.


                                      As for the report summary i usually net 1-2 reports everytime it comes up. im a teamplayer i play to win in ranked and i always try to pick a support to compliment our lineup.

                                      but i can almost feel the ban coming for me.


                                        I don't get this ranting. 9/10 games (at least back when I was still playing actively), people always blamed and flamed the player who took mid or carry spot and sucked. Either that or whoever fed the most, which sometimes is going to be the support, but then you deserve the flaming.

                                        Offlane and support are pretty much flame free, unless you suck extra hard.


                                          People who don't look at warded map

                                          x-ping liberally

                                          People who run away from healing range

                                          tell people you're going to heal them.

                                          scraps how much is your mmr

                                          2136 right now, but it was like 1700 a month ago. I was in the <2k mmr bracket for like six months before watching the slacks' guide to escaping mmr hell and I have to say, the shit he says in that is so much more useful to me in my games than the shit that players in other brackets say. all the shit that 4k, 5k, and 6k players say is all wrong in potato bracket. yeah, that shit might work in a 4k game. that might make sense in your games. but we potato bracket scrubs are playing a completely different game.

                                          As for the report summary i usually net 1-2 reports everytime it comes up.

                                          that's like nothing. people say they're gonna report and then they don't.


                                            ^True that. pubstomp spam is absolutely acceptable btw.
                                            When did moderators start joining us mortals in the forums?


                                              I started working at db about three months ago. I like forums, so I started using our forum. Never been a mod before. It's real weird.

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                "tell people you're going to heal them."

                                                LMFAO right, i'll spend time stating the obvious so that a braindead player realizes he needs to be in range to get affected by a spell


                                                  Okay so now i got 3 reports (new record). anyway it's a joke that you can spam the "on cooldown" and people always say wtf why didnt you heal me?.

                                                  Dota support life is difficult my canalitos

                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                    it's not difficult, ur just terribly bad that's all


                                                      i'll spend time stating the obvious so that a braindead player realizes he needs to be in range to get affected by a spell

                                                      in 2k most players have absolutely no idea where their teammates are if they can't see them on their screen. Minimap awareness doesn't exist, and most players don't have hero icons on minimap.


                                                        I got reported 4 times over two games by my support and I was playing a carry. Unfortunately I only have enough reports to report people who fail to carry me when I'm not playing a carry so I can't afford to use them on counter reporting supports.