General Discussion

General Discussioncan i get someone to rate my past games i just really wanna get bette...

can i get someone to rate my past games i just really wanna get better (2k mmr) in General Discussion

    i can take criticism pretty well so dont hold back :)


      Tide :
      1st - enemy team has high nukes , no one got bkb
      2nd - u got 3 caryy i mean watafak man you know its gg when u have more than 2 core hahahaha
      3rd - ur teams fault why you lose i mean look at those items , 4 invis , no mek , no arcane , probably no wards also , and most important no one has tp in inventory , except you
      4th - u lose because your team is shitty
      PA :
      1st - why did you invested on necro , its not worth it
      2nd - team didnt have any supporting items , mek , arcane , greaves , crimson , ac
      3rd - u didnt do ur job well considering the jugg has the highest stats , xpm , gpm , kda , lh , your perfomance is ok tho its just that jugg did his job better than u
      Ursa : well cant say anything for this coz its pretty one sided enemy fucked up
      Lina :
      1st - the game lasted almost 60 mins and still just 2 have teleports , its a very big deal man you just dont understand it yet so always pick up tp's
      2nd - this is like a dota 1 game , 5 core heroes , probably no wards also , no support
      3rd - u didnt capitalize the fact that the enemy is 5 core heroes also , you can block their camps using sentries to force them to farm in lanes , then you can proceed to kill them every minute because they are so squishy and you are a lina . you have 3 nukes and if its not good enough you still have high attack speed coz of ur passive . you might think its not worth it to buy sentries but that 200 will possibly give you kills
      4th - bad item builds on all , its just you that has picked up a sheepstick
      5th - u all die very often
      6th - no coordination

      thats all for now


        you farm like crap


          yep you farm poorly sadly :(


            yeah thx for the feedback dude
            about that PA necro thing it was me trying to p ancient faster cuz they were already teamwiped soooo hahaha
            and in my support games i always buy wards actually i think my main problem when i support is when i buy too much wards and dont buy anything else.

            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

              There is no such thing as "too much wards".