General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel people are asking the wrong question

I feel people are asking the wrong question in General Discussion

    "How do I gain MMR"
    "how to I climb to 4k, 5k"
    "what hero can I spam to climb quickly"

    I'm just a trench pleb so probably my opinion is wrong, but I feel people should be asking instead "how do I become a better player", "what are my faults in general, and what can I do to improve them". Do that, and MMR will climb naturally. Grind an OP hero to gain 500 MMR just means you'll be shit when they're nerfed into the ground two months later, and you'll be stuck playing with/against players above your true skill level (assuming they climbed naturally). Because you didn't learn anything the hard way.

    /unranked garbage tier opinions
    Flame away <3


      inb4 someone calls you out a "normal skill" player :D


        learn to support. Thats how to climb mmr. you always get 5 cores vs 5 cores no courriers or wards in the trench, so if you support your team (idealy) will have better map control, and be able to farm and focus on their core items.


          ^Alice, oh definitely! And I totally belong there. :D I'm bad. But I don't ask what are the OP heroes du-jour, or ask for tricks on how to calibrate 1000 above what I'm really worth. I know I'm bad, but I'm interested in knowing how I can improve my game in general. If I do that, any mysterious and half-arbitrary number tied to my account will readjust accordingly. It's a question of game outlook, instead of finding "tricks".

          Dune, the Desert Planet


            Farm more when you play TA. You have only 400 average GPM. Also you tend to die often. Stack ancients and clear jungle.



              its a pretty interesting case actually, cz irl ull face same stuff. for most people (me included) what something looks like is more important than what it is really worth. seem > be.


                well thats a bad human habit instilled to us i guess

                i heard of a saying before that said "first impression. last"

                so i guess "what somthing looks like" (god, i forgot the english term for this) becomes more important because no one rly cares when u dont get attention so its worth becomes nonexistent

                thats why lots of people i know hates vegetables. they green and look gross and AUGH but theyre presumed to be healthy


                  ^i didnt expect that coming

                  i mean the last sentence

                  it was really unpredictable


                    getting mmr
                    getting good

                    these are different goals


                      Spamming a hero is one of the fastest if not the fastest way to both improve at the game and gain mmr


                        I agree with Ywn actually. I spammed Bloodcyka in 6.84 and I spam Riki right now. It honestly helps you learn the game. Riki helped me a bunch with Inventory awareness and Bloodcyka helped me understand mid and general map awareness. I'm a firm believer in gitting gud with about 3-5 heroes and just spamming them from 1k-2k. After that I started to counter pick and play heroes I normally don't. Still, I just broke 2.6k last game and hopefully I can reach 3k by the end of February, assuming I get enough play time.

                        Essentially, learning one hero's strengths and how and when they're at peak effectiveness will help you understand it for other heroes as well. I'm still bad at this though, I just try my best to calculate how much damage people will do to me and take risks if I think i'll get the better end. Idk, there's a lot to learn.

                        King of Low Prio

                          I've been messing around on my girls old account(2.5mmr) and I just spam TA n QoP. I noticed alot of the players are not horrible at basic mechanics but they are horrendous at taking fights and zero flexibility (will never build game winning items like bkb or diffusal for omni)

                          Ferdinand I

                            So much normal skill wisdom in this post ROFL


                              ^besides me, there is one comment here posted by a 7k player
                              it aint normal skill, afaik

                              Riguma Borusu

                                "I've been messing around on my girls old account(2.5mmr) and I just spam TA n QoP. I noticed alot of the players are not horrible at basic mechanics but they are horrendous at taking fights and zero flexibility (will never build game winning items like bkb or diffusal for omni)"

                                I've grinded MMR from 1.6k to 2.8 in the last month and I can tell you that it's only about 17% (one in six) players who have such game awareness @ 2.5k, it happens but it's very very rare, games sometimes become very hard to carry on your own even if you're realistically better due to this (if the enemy team has ONE person who knows what he's doing, and YOU know what you're doing, but they are still winning because their supports have sheepsticks and your supports still carry tangos).

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I cheat a lil and tell them I'm 6k boosting the account so they listen slightly more than usual. I try and ignore their retarded 2k game analysis (GG mid no gank 5mins into the game while I'm 5-0). But sometimes I just flame the shit outta them and they cry n feed couriers n shit).



                                    dd is the worst trash and I still believe he didn't get any fucking better at all.
                                    As he was a 4k he will always be a 4k garbage to me.
                                    Get matched with dd in team? Lose a game 100%
                                    Get matched vs dd? Win a game 100%
                                    It's that simple

                                    to give you a heads up of how your jungle tinker game can be ruined by some shitters playing mirana


                                      ik hes trash but why do you talk to me about that, who are you and how's that connected to the discussion above? u confuse me.


                                        well you replied about a 7k poster in this thread, i gave you some knowledge


                                          Yes, I have seen these inquisitions "How do I get from 4k to 5k MMR?"
                                          and the answer is always
                                          get 1000 MMR.
                                          Some people actually can't do math. Which is probably why they're so trash at the game.


                                            So its not mmr u want, its skill. Skill u can get only by practicing, watching pro games and pros playing, and by reading what and how heroes can be used. Juts time and practice can give u what u want...