General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it true that skill is determining of MMR?

Is it true that skill is determining of MMR? in General Discussion
N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

    I 've seen players 7k and I compare my skills with them , apparently their skills more and better than me. So , I try to improve my skills and how to play better to improve my MMR


      nah 7k's are noobs man


        reaction time, completeness of your knowledge, drafting, game execution, hero pool that you can handle, flexibility, all of that matter.


          Hi @wagagaming


            The difference between 4500mmr and a 3500mmr for example can be non existent, I can vouch to that. The higher u go in mmr the bigger the difference in skill.


              I'm far better than you
              MMR is just a ################<#<<<<#########<###7484892939462849384


                  the difference between 4.5k and 3.5k is pretty clear, particularly from the outside of this mmr range.


                    there are only 2 kinds of ppl who say mmr doesnt matter
                    1 is the 1ker who doesnt want to imrpove

                    the other is the 7ker who just rekts everyone


                      The difference between 4500mmr and a 3500mmr for example can be non existent, I can vouch to that. The higher u go in mmr the bigger the difference in skill.

                      ayy lmao
                      except if you want to say that both are shit, that's true

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Both 4.5k and 3.5k are shit. But 4.5k is fucking Miracle in 3.5k game.


                          The easiest way to climb is to spam heroes with high win rate in the meta right now, or just those you're comfortable with. I climbed 600 with Leshrac, around 100 with SF. These were 6.84 and 6.85 I think. As for the current meta, I rose 200 in a week with OD. Haven't got much time to grind that much but I believe OD can really get you up there. There are counters for the hero of course but since it's rather underrated among lower level pubs atm, you should be fine.


                            Depends. For most people it is, but people that are stuck on low solo or party exist. I, for example, play mostly party with my friend who is 3,8k solo. My party MMR atm is 1900 while the solo one is 1450...

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^I'm 1.6k party. 2.8k solo, 3.7k solo unranked and around 2k party unranked, beat that


                                Let me.give a description of all mmrs 1k - these guys don't even know hero skills and item builds properly. 2k - the average mmr of all players is worldwide, if u try to experiment with a new hero Ull probably lose unless there's some super tryhard in ur team.

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  > description of all MMR

                                  > 1k & 2k

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I like me some MMRs in the afternoon, they taste great.


                                      3k - Here supports know how to ward, a slight better version of dota, the itemization of players is not bad. 4k - Vhs bracket starts here
                                      here. Good decision making, strategy comes into play, counter picking in almost everygame, pretty good communication level, ppl prefer playing only heros of whose mechanics they know of.


                                        5K - real tryhardism starts here, decision making is very important. people know exactly how to play the hero


                                          6k you could find many pros in this bracket, co-ordination dota. Everyone seem to know what their role is, very few mistakes
                                          decision making wins/loses the game.


                                            ^all this text actually means nothing, you are just using another set of words to say "average", "good", or "very good"


                                              1k - bad players, 2k - bad players, 3k - bad players, 4k bad players, 5k - bad players, 6k bad players, 7k - waga


                                                sub8k in 2015+1 = garbage
                                                I'm garbage tho :(

                                                Die Lie Sigh

                                                  Watching 7k player stream yesterday, watching him choje when the enemy mid gets 2 kill advantage.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    1k - bad players, 2k - bad players, 3k - bad players, 4k bad players, 5k - bad players, 6k bad players, 7k - waga, 8k - badman


                                                      4k-6k is dogshit (atleast 95% of those in there) lmfao you dont want to be in that mmr range.


                                                          ^ you're better off playing oldschool runescape anyways.

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            @kitrak: but teammates are holding us back ofc


                                                              <- 8k twitch chatter here Can confirm teammates hold me back Kappa


                                                                I made a smurf for the potato bracket just to see what it's like, games there are hilarious (-ly long). People will dive to the ends of the earth to get a kill. It's not even tunnel vision at that point it's more like if I don't get this kill gold my kids will starve to death on christmas.

                                                                Il Separatio

                                                                  @SUPER BEAVER, which heroes are the counters to OD that are underrated among low level pubs (I am 2k)? :3

                                                                  Il Separatio

                                                                    @road to oblivion, how can you know your solo unranked number? =3

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      ^you constantly check MMR of people you play with and against, it'll give you a good estimate, if your unranked is around 3000 it's very unusual to always play with/against ranked 2ks and 4ks, no? Also, I just recently broke into VHS @ solo unranked so I know its around 3.7-8k


                                                                        @Quinkerros, I'm saying OD itself is rather underrated since people don't realize his potential but if you want solid counters I'd say pugna's nether ward and nyx's mana burn. Nether ward goes through bkb in team fights and nyx's vendetta into impale + mana burn can kill OD in the early ganking phase to delay his item progression.

                                                                        N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                                                                          @AsHe$, how about below 1k MMR? What do you think about that?


                                                                            what a nice thread we got here you guysssss

                                                                            @waga was ur smurf named D E A T H
                                                                            or something?

                                                                            played with u with my smurf a month ago i think


                                                                              There are 1-7k's and they're cut above the rest 8k's who are either Invoker pickers, Spectre pickers or Miracle. I gotta say tho i'm impressed with Badman skills on spectre, he's one hell of a 1 hero pool player.


                                                                                @RedRover I've had the misfortune to play with someone who had 1 mmr....... Having a teamate pick Riki stand under a T2 tower (while the T1 is still up) and flame your team when he dies gets old real quick


                                                                                  So many dumb people who think within 1000mmr there is any skill difference. Ive been 3500mmr and play the same at 4200mmr, its all about matchmaking. U can talk about skill difference when you look beyond 1000mmr difference...


                                                                                    1k mmr is no actual difference? God ur delusional :D


                                                                                      No difference between 3500 and 4200 mmr, if u get trash cores as teammates u loose, if u get proper cores as teammates u win. Same...


                                                                                        Ace - I.don't.know dude, below 1k is like ppl playing with extreme lag and have no.idea.of.the game etc. I have a.friend who dropped from 1.7k to 985 mmr.


                                                                                            Do agree that MMR indicates the player's skills. :3


                                                                                              im 1k mmr and i rekt dondo mid mmr doesnt m4tt3r!!!1 kappa


                                                                                                I dont think you shouldnt place this much weight into skill, asmore as I Play i see the skill is not the difference that loses you the game, ist your draft, get a good draft against your enemy and you can beat enemys with 2k mmr more then you have


                                                                                                  ^making a good decision on the pick stage is part of skill, so this argument makes very little sense

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    1k=2k=3k=4k=5k=6k=7k then, Kappa


                                                                                                      Picking well is the next level of skill, sometimes mmr is affected by it, but u need a big mmr gap tu actually see any difference.