General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion on broodmother

Question on broodmother in General Discussion

    Just had a game with broodmother where i went 7-0 in 15 min without any ganks, I got phase boots for easier chase to kill(regretting that though) and deso as first items for easy kills on supports, although I was farmed and got my tower, I didn't know what to do after they started to camp my lane as 3-4 with sentries all the time, can't go mid because mid farms there, can't go bot, because AM had to get farm because the horrible venomancer destroyed the lane, so my question is: WHAT SHOULD I DO? What can you do as broodmother, when they stop ignoring that you stomp the lane and all come for you? Without you losing your lead of course.

    Bears Ate My Face

      That's when the rest of your team needs to be pushing out lanes or, in the case of AM, farming without any contest. As brood, you should pretty much always have sentries on you and something like a quelling blade or tangoes to take them out quickly. Building a necro book lvl 3 helps a lot with the granted true sight, but you have to be very careful not to feed the minions to the other team (They're worth like 200 gold each I think).

      Riguma Borusu

        Farm their jungle? Also if you have a lead as brood, you don't "get your tower" you "get your lane" which means push all the way through to the T3s, force rotations and grant your mid and carry free farm while your jungle is also uncontested so your supports (or carry if supports have taken the lane for an objective like getting blink or a specific level or something) can farm up as well.


          Make space!

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Yeah, you need to take over their jungle, constantly threaten T3 and then rax, force TPs so the other guys have an easier time. You can also rotate to mid and push the towers there.


              getting that phase boots isnt bad but u got it for the wrong reason

              u get it for damage and for the buildup you buy the boot last

              also if ur 7-0 ur enemies are basically playing a 2-lane highway game of dota

              they have to commit to killing you by buying resources and even then they might not be able to catch u bcoz rofl so fast and if ur teammates arent dumb they would at least push a tower

              and if they leave you alone for other lanes then they can say goodbye to one lane of rax


                Allow me translate what OP is saying. OMG Look at me Im so pro going 7 0 with a lane stomper but volvo (there is a truck company called volvo check google) gives me feeders in my team to prevent me from reaching 8k so I dnt stomp the pro scene. 322

                Die Lie Sigh

                  @Op - I think u need to learn how to play dota, I'll figure out what to do in what situations.
