General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports can also reach HS & VHS?

Supports can also reach HS & VHS? in General Discussion
[SS].markiller'RA ヅ

    I just want to know

    Holy Roman Empire

      Yh. Its a little harder probably though.


        nah its very simple


          everyone can if theyre rly good

          ofc im not good so i cant reach them ever kek


            Check my new account 2Ez4RTZ √√ support type.. Mmr bracket 4.9k mmr


              1.4k-3.9k here playing nearly exclusively support.

              Синячий патруль

                supports are not heroes

                Woof Woof

                  roaming support or roaming offlane are best options for fast rating boost, look at sonneiko or unicornoxoxo or whatever his name was, dude was playing at 5k when rating came out(when highest rated player was barely above 6k) and he was playing hard support only, + there were many other guys which played supports only at similar rating but i forgot their nicks


                    you can be vh skill even playing a neutral creep captured by helm of dominator
                    live with it


                      I am a support. Yes it's possible


                        Yes u can, just get a good KDA..

                        U can see my last match with sky, i support all the game and got good KDA..

                        Remember this:
                        "Just try not to DIE"

                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                          I love Pilot.
                          Good supporter.

                            Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                              ive had many games in which a support single handedly won their games for the enemy team

                              a shaman building boots refresher and ratting the shit out of our lanes.....a witch doctor making himself impossible to kill, warding and ganking along with his carrys

                              a disruptor just pwning everyone from behind a real f*cking nuisance

                              if you're normal skill this applies more so since inexperienced normal skill players don't understand why it's imperative to take out the supports in a team fight...they just all target the carry straight away leaving the support to openly cast all his spells and disable the shit out of you


                                Yes, just work hard on it and track progress in small steps!
