General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you sometimes first pick to show dominance?

Do you sometimes first pick to show dominance? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Or just yolo and really like to play a certain hero, regardless if the enemy can easily counter u or not?

    D the Superior

        When queuing with 1k friends.
        First pick an easily countered hero.
        Go 21-2
        Lose anyway.



          Miku Plays

            when i was way back 3.2, i just go lc asap and call jungle


              I like playing meepo but no. Same like with Huskarr, u w8 for the last pick. But... Depends on hero. There are some heros that u can pick 1st if u like it. Lets say Sven. He is usually countered by lockdown, or slows that go through spell immunity, but almost every hero is countered by that.

              Try spamming WK for example as 1st pick. U will face Invoker/Nyx/Am/kotl/diffusal carriers every game.

              < blank >

                I first pick Storm sometimes and still able to win

                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                  shady why are your matches ranging from vhs to normal? playing with friends?

                  < blank >

                    Yes and sometimes unranked for challenges

                    waku waku

                      instapick pudge

                      Da Cosmonaut

                        Y definatly pudge, or eub offlane as i did in my last game

                        Da Cosmonaut



                            he's playing with me in normal lmao


                              Jungle lc first pick

                              Hotel? trivago

                                the bes way to show dominance is by peeing on others...

                                yung griphook

                                  you don't ban pudge bacause you can counter it

                                  I instapick Pudge

                                  you lose against pudge

                                  you ban pudge next time because you're not stupid


                                    yes instapick at 5.5k and u will see the dominance... inside ur anus

                                    Tu tayta

                                      No instapicking. Just random, gotta have that extra gold.


                                        when i'm fed up with rankeds, i just pick a strong core hero, even as first pick

                                        Da Cosmonaut

                                          Even at 5.5k, i am 5.3k actually, i get fed up with whining bitches ad i go for uncommon picks and manage to win most of the games. I have realised that even if u play solo perfectly, u lose a game cause dota is a team game.
                                          If u go like pudge or offlane rub like me, it makes your teammates try harder and u have more chances on winning than crying on chat and complaining.
                                          So fuck yeah, go first pick


                                            @OP Every damn time!

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                I don't, cause I need to adapt to monkey Dota.

                                                You heard it a million times, but everytime I pick a carry, no one ever supports, i've literally gotten dual junglers just cause they REFUSED TO SUPPORT, like it's that much of a chore.

                                                But whenever I support, yep, you guessed it, I literally get mid, jungler, and safe lane ALL GOING MIDAS and dumb builds.

                                                I just play it safe.


                                                  Bane, OP

                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                    instapick WK :D


                                                      Firstpick jungle tinker every single game and proceed to win

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Instarandom Pitlord for free mmr i guarantee


                                                          I'll insta pick if I plan to go the same hero I've been playing for a while and it is pretty versatile/ not easily countered. (Or am at 1k where no one counters anyone).

                                                          Everyone can see your game history anyways. So they probs already know who you will pick if any of them are trying at all.


                                                            Insta random shows dominance.

                                                            THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                              A TRUE AXE PLAYER ALWAYS INSTAPICKS!!!!!

                                                              Dick Trouser, MD

                                                                Its a pub who cares just pick your fucking hero, you're not going to improve hiding from its counters
