General Discussion

General DiscussionPhase boots for Clinkz

Phase boots for Clinkz in General Discussion

    I am seeing most of the Clinkz players go for Power Treads. PT is a good one for a hitter generally. But do you really need the stats given by treads? AS and boosted HP pool/stat dmg seem good but you are playing Clinkz, a hero with ult giving him HP pool and raw dmg and Strafe granting insane AS. And one more, treads can't help you out from tight situations ( being revealed by dust/ double tapped SW for a kill and SW on CD). If that sh*t happens you have no choice but only to change str treads which doesn't make a huge difference.
    On the other hands, Phase boots give you raw dmg which is really high for its cost. And yea, it is 1 lane creep cheaper than treads.
    Back to the tight situations I have mentioned above, SW turns into a complete shet when revealed by dust in early gankings ( I am sure your build is 1-4-2-1, maximizing Clinkz's potentials ). When that shit happens, PB can be a good escape tool because you are slowed when revealed and you haven't maxed out SW ).
    I am not claiming I know much but I just want you guys to know what I earned these days :D
    Have a nice day and a good mmr push.

    Paid actor

      same can be said for the dmg on clinkz...his ult grants insane amount of raw dmg and arrows give that bouns dmg aswell.

      PT scales better m8 and that 25attack speed and 8 agility is rly amplified with an item or two along with ult and arrows, 24 dmg from phase on the other hand is static and wont do much after 15mins in ur overall dmg other than actually be insignificant. About your comment about phase helping u escape, well if u manage to escape with phase after u r dusted theres smth wrong with the 1 that ganked u, and i wouldnt hold my luck on enemies being unprepared.


        sr + tread switch
        so u can kill jungle creeps fast (no strafe => treads >>>>> phase in boosting overall dps)


          I was a former treads user ( WC3 days, treads for everyone :D ). But later, I found myself really enjoying in shooting the ass of my opponents with orb walk during lane phase :D When an enemy gets near to me, I orb walk him and when he moves back, I use phase and give him some more (2-3) orb walks xD Thanks to Osfrog, I can now cast arrows while phasing.

          Riguma Borusu

            You don't have 100% uptime on strafe, people who play heroes that have buffs for attack speed often kinda forget this. If you play LC, sure, +120 attack speed from Press The Attack is surely going to make the +25 attack speed from PT marginal, but the reality is, the spell has 38% uptime and a pretty hefty mana cost to just outright spam it every time it's off cooldown, and often you need to use it for something else, so in reality, getting treads is still much better for your overall dps as LC, since you're going ot attack a lot of shit a lot of the time, be it lane creeps when you're pushing, jungle creeps when you're farming, or you're duelling somebody.

            On the other hand, Clinkz's strafe has about 40% uptime, so do you want to cripple your attack speed when it's down? Of course all this depends a lot on what actually happens in the game, if you're having a prolonged fight where you chase people and stuff it's much different to finding single pickoffs more than 25 seconds apart as that'd allow you to recharge strafe and go right back in with physical burst.

            If however your opponents have no actual disables to kill you once dusted, phase might be good, but anybody can build to kill you, clinkz is a very squishy hero and most people build him glass cannon, usually once he's dusted there might be enemy team around while you were just running around for a stroll to find a pickoff, so you just die, it's really situational, you always build the utility you need, I just wanted a match where TA got an abyssal lategame to try jump-abyssaling void before he gets his shit off, it was a good idea but it wasn't enough, so really just think about what happens in the game and what you can do to mitigate your problems and get an advantage, anything kinda works if you know why you're doing it and what you can achieve with it and phase boots on clinkz is no different.


              Sry, I couldn't think the way highly skilled players would :( I always wanted to get pass 1.8k ( the reason I made this smurf :D ) but still lacking skills and experience to judge how the game is going..

              Riguma Borusu

                Well, if you can get into VHS on your smurf, and maintain a decent winrate, you could maybe drop to something like high skill and still calibrate around 3.5k, if you can play on that level for a while, you should be good, but it's still better to grind up from whatever your MMR is, I used to be 1.6 like a month ago, then got to 2.8k, obviously I am still fucking terrible but I'm trying to grind up the hard way.


                  you need tread switch and as in the first place. investing in dmg and movespeed makes less sense cz u alrdy got both rly high. like, there is a difference between additional let's say 10 dmg in case u got 70 dmg, and if u got 210.


                    u still get more dps from treads than phase, regardless of strafe. treads would give you the same increase in dps whether your attack speed was 200 or 500, the only exception would be if your attack speed was at the maximum.

                    as an example, say you have 100 attack damage for simple calculations and you have 200 attack speed, which means you attack twice every 1.7s (your base attack time). that's ~1.18 attacks per second meaning you deal 118 dps. with 34 extra attack speed from agi treads, you attack ~1.38 times per second so you deal 138 dps, or 20 extra.

                    with 500 attack speed that's 2.94 attacks per second so 294 dps. with 534 attack speed that's 3.14 attacks per second so 314 dps, still a 20 dps increase regardless that your attack speed was 300 more, so having strafe is not a reason to forego power treads. late game, or even mid game, 15 extra damage from phase does not beat 34 attack speed from treads.

                    phase probably would be marginally better for lane harass but clinkz doesn't need it, he can already zone out basically everyone with searing arrows alone, and you'd probably end up regretting the decision later.

                    since searing arrows and death pact have a higher uptime than strafe it makes more sense to increase the dps that you'd get from these abilities by getting power treads than to increase the dps that you get from strafe's bonus attack speed.


                      phase weaver


                        If you need a smurf to get past 1.8k you shouldnt be posting threads like this lmfao


                          Treads are 100% better than phase. Unless you are dogshiza and cant tread switch

                          Dire Wolf

                            Clinkz doesn't need phase cus skeleton walk already increases speed and phases you, and using phase during would just break it.

                            He doesn't need the +dmg cus his orb is already a ton of dmg in lane for orb walking and cs.