General Discussion

General Discussion17 winning streak

17 winning streak in General Discussion

    holy shit thats retarded

    < blank >

      Nice jinxed

      Tu tayta

        ^ My nickname


          ready to lose now lol


            Wish it would all be ranked right? :D Nevermind, prepare your anus soon =))

            Livin' Real Good

              congrats, you're going green, saving the planet, i'm trying to turn my losing streak around right now though, hard to carry teams though. Saving planet boys! Going green !Aim for that 53% win rate, it will up your respect levels. Kappa

              Bad Intentions

                South American Doto :O looks like best doto :D

                ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                  I got 17 win streak too in solo ranked, feelsgood doesnt it
