General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer

Lifestealer in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    So what's up with this guy? Where do you play him? Safelane i guess, but i think in my mid 3k pubs i could get away with jungle.

    What do you get on him after like phase? Midas? Drums? Armlet? Straight SnY? And after? AC? Deso? Basher? Mjollnir? Halberd? Blink? I mean, this guy can build so many items, i am not even sure what's good for him


      offlane ls is quite legit


        also nice solo safe against meta offlaners

        saving private RTZ

          Ok and how is he played as offlaner? Get 6 then gank with ancients or what?


            radiance build is kinda situational, in most cases u should just build him normally
            like, u know, phase/drums/sny/basher/ac/abyssal, or someshit like that. blink/mjollnir and all the other old LS items are still legit, too.

            Pale Mannie

              Most Lifestealers in my games are enemies going always jungle and dare to fail everytime


                go safelane, get boots and vlads, cause aura. go in ancient. have fun. get radiance, win game.


                  get more auras, because otherwise you're useless actually. you don't really do damage, it's just your presence which makes you special.
                  Also you'll need a mid who is able to clean up the enemies. not necessarily 1v5 just a high kill chance whenever the enemy steps to close to you.


                    rad manta oct :>

                    < blank >

                      Treads, Vanguard, Radiance, Manta

                      Pale Mannie

                        6 mangoes into 6 fearie fires into 6 rapiers

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Just go safelane, jungle if safelane's taken and offlane if you know what you're doing. The Radiance build is useless tbh. Also, if you are the safelaner, don't waste your time inside an ancient. You farm way faster with your hero.

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's good depending on the situation, still gets kited a lot, but if enemy loads up on strength heroes or right clickers he is good. You can play him any lane tbh just don't solo offlane him. Good in a dual though.

                            I still think armlet is core, I'd say phase or treads (phase probably 75% of time), wand, armlet. After that s&y is pretty core, then if enemy has a lot of strength heroes moonshard is game breaking. Otherwise lots of stuff is good, deso will crush towers and enemies, ac same, basher will help you with lockdown, halberd good defensive item, bkb sometimes is needed, hotd occasionally, mjollnir if you need to farm or wave clear.


                              offlane ls is legit

                              saving private RTZ

                                I still dont know what am i supposed to do on the offlane? Like just sit under tower and kill creeps whenever the lane pushes, and maybe do the hard camp in between? I guess i will be able to get more lh cause obv supports at this mmr always draw creep aggro when they try to harras so the lane pushes

                                And in jungle do i get talon?


                                  how can they kill u if they dont ahve too many disables and u have rage


                                    1 game i was jugger + disruptor or smth like that, and this guy just freefarmed in lane

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      You just take over the lane and farm it. Don't solo offlane, that will suck. But lifestealer is so strong in lane with sustain and rage, and his wounds is quite good once it's level 2 or 3, you can farm the lane and get kills against weaker ones. With a good support like bane or lion or shadow shaman you can win a 2 on 2 easy.


                                        it seems like even solo offlane could work, since if it doesnt you can just go jungle with the new offlane camp

                                        feast and open wounds helps trade hits, you've got high starting speed, rage to dodge ganks.

                                        probably start with ring of protection get basi in lane because ur armour sucks and so does your mana. still get stout. 2-1-2 build then either go 4-1-2 or 2-1-4 i guess, could be wrong.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I think the issue with solo offlane is you have to be constantly attacking to regen hp and sustain which pushes the lane. Constant harassment will make you push lane, which opens up to more harassment. It's not the worst idea ever but dual is so much better.


                                            um you're using feast to trade hits with the supports not to heal off creeps. if you're offlane and expect to get harassed you buy regen like any other offlaner. you don't start off with just 1 set of tangos just because your lifestealer

                                            if the lane gets pushed up too far then you go jungle

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              you trade hits with ranged supports? I just don't see that working but let's try it and see, can't be as bad as a lot of other offlanes. I'm sure it's amazing vs earthshaker, omni and ogre supports.


                                                you have 315 movement speed, just run at the supports and if they back the turn time gives you time to get a hit or two off and make up for some of the hp you lost when they attacked you out of range . i guess u shouldnt get starting regen on doom cos of scorched earth too right.

                                                "you have to be constantly attacking to regen hp and sustain which pushes the lane"
                                                or you bring extra regen so that you can trade hits with a support even if they trade favourably against you

                                                im not saying it's 6.85 doom levels but ur arguments are basically saying it's shit cos you're doing dumb stuff like auto attacking lane creeps.1