General Discussion

General DiscussionMid lane

Mid lane in General Discussion

    Hey, i started playing dota almost year ago, i was very noob, i am still noob :P
    I improved on alot things, farming, supporting, carrying, pushing etc
    One thing i am forever uber noob is mid laning, sometimes i feel like i will just never learn how to mid.
    I have read guides and watch alot streams, i know all those creep agro tactics, all the strategies of mid, when to push when not, bottle crawling, etc etc..

    But i still simply fail playing mid usually..

    My midlane mostly goes tie, i don't kill my enemy but he doesn't kill me too because i try to stay safe, i try to focus on cs and push tower when he gangs or i gank too by chance.
    But winning mid by killing ur enemy 1vs1? happens only if my enemy total retard, in 80% of cases i will just lose it.
    I even lost my mid with SF vs tiny, thats total failor ):
    And i got no idea how to improve on it, all the time i remember my self playing mid, i don't improve.


      Nah, tiny murders sf 1v1 mid . In my experience at least. He just hangs back until toss and avalanche combo kills him.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        If you think mid is about killing the other mid, then you have a lot to learn.

          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

            Got to 4k without ever playing mid D:! I guess let others have it and play some other lanes #ClawTo5k


              Wtf is op.talking about lol


                You are right that killing the other mider is not the main goal, but if you kill your mider a couple of times you can start snowballing hard and win ez pz, it's something i almost never success to do ):


                  "Deny more creeps than your opponent." -- Dendi on playing mid.


                    "but if you kill your mider a couple of times you can start snowballing hard and win ez pz, it's something i almost never success to do ):"

                    u realize u can just gank the sidelanes and kill kids there and u can start snowballing hard that way?

                    Impervious to Nailguns


                      It'll teach you more than you even want to know. It's a little bit outdated, but the basics of playing mid haven't changed of course.

                      M A N vs N O O B S

                        You don't need to kill the other player to win mid. Your mentality on this is all wrong.

                        Also, in theory sf shouldn't lose to tiny, but I see it happen a lot (noob games, clearly). People just have no idea how much dmg his combo does. Also, people just let you get in melee range and chuck them to tower.


                              Even I stull die to tint mid when I get cocky..

                              Wrong mid mentality though. You actually don't know anything and until you realize that you're going to keep sucking!! Know how to lh and deny?? Ahahhah!!! You know only that lh gives you gold and lh a !!! Symbol. Lane equilibrium?? You only know that keeping the creeps in the middle is good!! You don't know how to push, only that it's safer to hit the tower when there's no enemy around and the same with aggro tactics, that attacking the enemy close to creeps has a reaction!!! Now stfu, admit you're shit, start thinking, be humble and get better at the fucking game!!

                              Fucking delusional kruger piece if shit noobs think they can all about something because they have done or seen the tiny bits of what makes dota great once

                              Meat Spinner

                                Same here ! Started 1 year ago .mid is very much important . Try to get counter pick of mid heroes ! I think invoker is best mid hero in this patch after od learn to master him !


                                  I'm having troubles with that too. I rarely kill someone in laning stage, cuz I'm a passive piece of shit and always playing safe or retarded, but I'm mostly outfarming my enemy and snowball in mid/late game.