General Discussion

General Discussion4 straight loss

4 straight loss in General Discussion

    Carry or support. Bad days are for real. Anyways im a fan of all the threads here esp the scrubs vs pro. Silently reading. Any comment on my performance?


      >Relax, you're doing fine.
      You'll get days with 8 losses in a row and days with 8 wins in a row. It's just doto.
      You seem to have good KDA ratios even when you are losing, and high winrates on your best heroes. You also have VHS with just 1300 matches.


        At first I read "Mighty Dick" lmao

        Nah, you're probably 4K+ so u should already know when u make mistakes instantly when u actually make them.


          I'm gonna assume you're comfortable with the mechanics of your hero, last-hitting, etc. so my advice is this: You need to start thinking about how to win the game constantly throughout the match, and always have an idea of what you and your team should be doing next instead of mindlessly farming or splitting up. E.g. you just took their T2 mid tower and have established pretty good map control with wards, you should be pinging Rosh and telling your team to head there before the tower even goes down.


            lost up to 10-11 in a row and never won more than 4-5 solo ranked in a row FeelsBadMan