General Discussion

General Discussionarmlet on lifestealer help !

armlet on lifestealer help ! in General Discussion

    after watching a lot of videos i am confused about item builds... most pro players never seem to buy it..they just go straight for SnY after phase / drums

    also when buying radiance is good idea ? or is it mainly for trolling people when mind controlling ancient creeps ?


      radiance build is good when:

      1) Nobody will try to kill u.

      2) U can get it fast and u are sure that your team will push 24/7 with u.

      2) They have only 1 good physical dmg dealer, who also needs some items to kill ancient creep fast.

      saving private RTZ

        Idk i feel like armlet is simply way too good not to get. I guess drums are good for racecar, but for me phase + SnY are enough.

        saving private RTZ

          i mean like seriously 51 damage + hp + armor+attack speed + passive health gain + the benefits of armlet toggle

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            It's 65 damage actually, 40 damage and 25 STR.


              It's probably because armlet can be countered with mere orb of venom.

              But, a good player should always know when to toggle + rage.


                OOV doesn't counter the fact that you get 65 damage out of a 2300g item. That's what you buy Armlet on naix for - armlet toggling comes into play like 5% of the time if you're playing it right.


                  Never skip armlet on Lifestealer.

                  Source: I have a picture of Lifestealer above my bed.

                  Tried skipping it once, lost game.

                  Boots, Venom, Phase, Drums, Armlet, SnY - - - Basher/Monkey/Assault/Skadi

                  Don't make radiance.

                  Skillbuild: 4-1-1-1 (even for jungle)

                  Miku Plays

                    ^ is it ok if i jungle and rush midas and skip armlet for phase , sny ?


                    < 4k mmr


                      armlet if u think u have enough lockdown
                      if not ure going to get kited