General Discussion

General Discussionhow do we win games

how do we win games in General Discussion

    well i want to know cuz most games in 1 k are jsut retards feeding..... now in cap mode i can make the team and no more 5 carrys omg ........ and how do i draft good and the main question what hero should i pick the most what is the most overpowered heroes in 1 k cuz they dont know all heroes ofc i want to know witch hero to pick and ez win ...... and also what is the most important thing in dota 2 is it the hard carry taht can rek games just by farming is it the suport/iniator like cm she has hiz ultimate he reks us all yeah witch role/playstile should i use the most / well most of the times i go hard carry iniator ganker and tank and for every match i think my playstile is goind to my lane yeah if i have mid hero i mid i choose the hero and the lane when im carry i need last hits yeah in 1 k mmr cm takes all lasthits i die we lost GG so what can i do about that cuz i cant farm with sup in 1 k mmr should i only solo mid with any hero ? and what is a good team what makes a team good how do we win is it by the carry who farms until he has his items and then he goes to rek all the enemys of the iniator that just demolishes the enemys in teamfights what is it ??? this is a serious question ok this is not a b8 or somthing


          omg cant u just scroll down omg there has to be always a tard coming here and just sayng that omg just scroll down If u are not interested


            Solo captain mode is shit, more over in 1k when they didn't even know any heroes except what they play (me included, yeah)

            As for party, pick whatever suits your team. Juat remember: always have balanced team (1 carry, 1 tempo control, 1 initiator, 1 roaming supp, 1 ward bi*ch or any combination of that). AM is good. Spectre is good. AM and Spec in one team? Good luck finding farm

            And no, my CM didn't take last hit. Your argument is invalid

            Also learn to separate your sentence
