General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a team [EU WEST/EAST]

Looking for a team [EU WEST/EAST] in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I'm a bit tired of solo queing and I am really interested to bring my Dota 2 experience to another level.
    So, I am looking for a team to play regulary with.

    I am looking for nice people who just want to have fun games and hardly rage or mind losing..just like me :P
    It'd be nice to play competitively tho!

    About me in Dota:
    As everyone else, I was really bad in the beginning in Dota 2. I was playing alot with my brother and his mates back then..I also immediately
    started to play ranked on Level 13 which was a huge mistake if you ask me.

    I ended in 1.5/1.6k mmr and this is pure hell down there!
    Since then I've almost only played "normal matches". I assume that the hidden mmr was similiar to the real one, but now I get matched with people from 3k to 4.5k mmr.

    This supposedly means that my hidden mmr is somewhere inbetween there.

    I also started to play solo ranked...and I managed to get from 1.7k to 2.2k in 2 weeks. Won almost every game since then ;P
    (yeah, I spammed Ember, Zeus and Invoker)

    I play in the afternoon/evenings only.

    Anyways, feel free to add me if you are interested.

    best regards


      > Competitive matches only happen infrequently, not enough to fill time.
      > Do you just want stacking buddies?
      > No one will go competitive with someone in normal skill.

      > Everything about this sentence tells me everything I need to know about you and how you view yourself.

      As everyone else, I was really bad in the beginning in Dota 2. I was playing alot with my brother and his mates back then..I also immediately
      started to play ranked on Level 13 which was a huge mistake if you ask me.
      I ended in 1.5/1.6k mmr and this is pure hell down there!
      Since then I've almost only played "normal matches". I assume that the hidden mmr was similiar to the real one, but now I get matched with people from 3k to 4.5k mmr.

      > Let me re-write that for you in a way which actually says what you mean.

      As everyone else, I was really bad in the beginning in Dota 2 I was playing alot with my brother and his mates back then..I also immediately
      started to play ranked on Level 13 which was a huge mistake if you ask me.

      I will make up some excuses like using my brother, and his mates as a scapegoat for the horrible profile I have, I will now proceed to blame the system and pretend like it matters when you queue ranked so it looks like the MMR I got was a mistake. Hopefully by now you all know the system has cheated me and my brothers friends screwed up my chances of being matched with Miracle every game.

      I ended in 1.5/1.6k mmr and this is pure hell down there!
      Since then I've almost only played "normal matches". I assume that the hidden mmr was similiar to the real one, but now I get matched with people from 3k to 4.5k mmr.

      The ranking I got was a mistake and I should never have been there, but because Valve recognizes my skill it sometimes pairs me with people that I would like to mention here cause it will make people like me more, or think I am better than I actually am because I played vs 3-4k's.


      Listen, if you're anything like me rating doesn't matter too much and no one gives a shit, people will play with you from time to time regardless. If you go into a stack higher than you don't pretend you are there cause they think you're good, you're there cause you're low and they're taking advantage of the easy wins they can get to do challenges or stack party MMR.

      Just....I dunno man....I really dunno. You will play vs me on the weekend anyways so hopefully we should be able to play some games in the future gotta fix that attitude. You're where you are cause you're where you are and you deserve to be there, no one forced you.

      I calibrated 4.1 f-ing years ago and this was after fucking around with 2-3K's for like two years and I am mid 5K now so if you really were an achiever nothing would hold you back.


        Holy shit Havoc, what did Relentless do to you :O


          Wait what?

          I think you are misunderstanding my intentions. This is not supposed to be an excuse.
          Of course it was deserved to get into this low bracket BACK THEN. But for now, this bracket is too low for me. This is a fact, games are easy there for me, there is nothing to discuss. Just watch my recent ranked games :P.

          And as I said before, I started to play normal matches and learned Dota in that matchmaking. I got better and better but my mmr stayed the same. So, ranked matchmaking is easier. ;)

          It does make sense, does it?

          I am also looking forward to play, too! (if OP manages to add me hehe)

          EDIT: Topic was not made to discuss my attitude or whatsoever :)


            add me, I'm playing on weekends. we can play ranked together.


              btw, did you just refer to yourself in 3rd person?


                No, I am referring to the OP of this thread :


                I will add you soon.


                  I will add u also and we can play party mmr sometimes. Where u from ?


                    I think you are misunderstanding my intentions. This is not supposed to be an excuse.

                    this whole thread is just a long wall of excuses


                      The second post was more of an explanation..sigh..

                      I am from Germany.


                        Ohh ales klar Herr Insomnium. Guten Tag. Ich möchte mit Ihnen einige Tage zu spielen. Das ist alles was ich sagen kann. :P

                        Dont expect me to speak German 24/7 :P


                          Nah I dont :D

                          You will only hear me talking german when I am making up excuses..but psst, dont tell anyone
