General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions to high mmr core players (4,5k+)

Questions to high mmr core players (4,5k+) in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    What do you expect your support to doin lane in situations 2v1/3v1 or 2v2 or 2v3?
    At what point do you want the support to leave the lane and if so what should he do before he leaves? Do you rather have a support (if solo) to stack or to gank?
    Does that differ if they are a duo? When do you think its ok for supports to use courier? (as to not kill you while you are waiting for your perseverence etc)
    Are you ok with giving support kills so he can get itemprogresson as well ?(since you get yours from farm/assists)
    What supports do you personally find most useful in lane? (in a 2v1/2v2 situations)¨

    Appreciate long answers even though the questions are very generic and vague


      ^ Most questions are situational

      Supports I personally find most useful in lane [though I solo offlane alot]:

      Lich,Ogre,Vs/ Any noobproof click stuns


        - supports in lane needs to learn to zone out enemy supports especially if his/her hero is range
        denying , harassing , camp blocking , dewarding in lane
        - supports doesnt need to hang around that much in lane especially if you are doing fine on your own , he/she would be better off helping mid if mid wants the support to gank his/her lane . id rather have a support to gank because getting early kills is much better than stacking creeps .
        - yep supports are good if they are in a duo . its ok for supports to use courier , just say first if u will use the courier if your farming items to be delivered , communication is important , and mid is more prioritized in delivering items in courier so he/she will have his/her advantage
        - yep doesnt matter that much if support get the kills , its a team game . every gold matters to anyone . and its much better for supports to have early gold to buy SOD , wards and get teamfight items like mek , glimmer etc
        - supports that have good crowd control skills are the most useful , but support that has 2 disable ( bane , lion , ss, etc ) is good too and supports that have good nukes , ( lina , omni , dazzle , etc _)


          - a lane support is supposed to properly zone out the offlaner meaning he does not receive any xp or at least lasthits if the offlaner is too slippery. Support is not supposed to deny creeps - its ur carrys task;
          - as soon as the offlaner quits the lane or you understand that u cant harass him out, leave ur carry alone for 1v1 situation, dont leech xp. Otherwise the offlaner will get level advantage and kill you both. Have tp and be ready to help your carry, if the offlaner decides to commit a solo kill. While you are away from the lane make stacks, help mid, secure runes. Dont stack the camp, nearest to the safelane unless your carry can clear it quicky. A big stack can prevent ur carry from effective jungle rotations between lane creep waves
          - in 2v2 situations focus onnbtrading hits effectively: headress, Oov, mangos, magic stick help a lot. Know ur attack and creep aggro ranges


            A support imo should watch mid constantly, if your ally mid is pushed in, its perfect time for your support to go gank. Otherwise, his job is just to ward, stack, pull, and keep enemy with 0 lh's.


              Supports should make sure carry is doing fine, especially week laning heroes like Spectre. One should pull and maintain creep equilibrium, the other should harash and zone out, but not fucking with creep agro. If you know you can kill their offlaner at lvl 1just position and then run at him, chainstun/slow and kill him.

              If your carry is freefarming then immidiately leave the lane and dont suck exp, gank mid or go help offlaner. Also watch other lanes if they need help and tp. Provide some vision and most importantly - learn to position and use spells properly in ganks/fights. Good execution wins lanes/game.

              King of Low Prio

                if the enemy offlaner hits lv 6 before your carry you fucked up as a support. You either zone him completely out of lane OR you deny him creep waves to neutrals


                  Or you kill him with the speed of one trash per minute.


                    I generally only play party, but when i que solo I tend to expect nothing from anyone. Anything more than that is a bonus.
                    So I'll answer your questions with what I tend to expect for my party/stack supports.

                    "What do you expect your support to doin lane in situations 2v1/3v1 or 2v2 or 2v3? "

                    In a Trilane, generally just zoning the offlaner WITHOUT pulling aggro is fine. In a dual lane, if the carry hero can win or do fine against the enemy offlaner, Id rather the support went and stack/double pulled. If its a weak carry, again, Id rather have assistance in laning versus it. Try to stack often though.

                    At what point do you want the support to leave the lane and if so what should he do before he leaves? Do you rather have a support (if solo) to stack or to gank?

                    Depends entirely on the game and the draft honestly. If the safelane carry is weak, and they have a strong offlaner or a aggro duo/tri, I'd much rather the support stayed in lane to help. If the carry can win against the offlaner, or you've zoned out the offlaner well enough, try to pull and immediatly smoke and gank mid. Doing this generally means the other lanes and the offlaner wouldn't notice or alert their team that the supports are missing, since they think you're just pulling before coming back to lane.

                    Does that differ if they are a duo? When do you think its ok for supports to use courier? (as to not kill you while you are waiting for your perseverence etc)

                    If no one has any important/early game items coming to them, use it. But for God's sake dont ferry yourself a clarity if you think your cores will need the courier soon.

                    Are you ok with giving support kills so he can get itemprogresson as well ?(since you get yours from farm/assists)

                    No. its fine if they accidentally take it, or if they need to secure the kill. But at any point in time, IF you can give your carry/mid the kill, let them take it. You have no reason to complain either, since supports get a lot more gold from being involved in a kill now.
                    The whole point of letting cores take all the farm is because they function better with items than supports do. So getting more gold on your cores from the kills does a lot more than it does for supports.

                    What supports do you personally find most useful in lane? (in a 2v1/2v2 situations)¨

                    Depends. In an aggro duo, any setup that can devastate the enemy safelane. In a safelane duo vs an aggro duo/tri, a defensive support would be nice. Use your head and think for yourself each game.

                    Appreciate long answers even though the questions are very generic and vague



                      if i'm against solo offlaner i usually tell support to fuck off and go to do something more useful than leeching xp, agroing creeps and dying

                      also i think that giving early kills to support is better


                        Provide me free farm if possible

                        Be a constsnt theeat to rhe offlaner and not pull stack etc unless WE would greatly benefit from it. If you can't do this you better fucking lesve my lane do that I ar lesst can get enough experience for teamfights and not fall far behind (already bad enough)

                        Now, while you're gone rape mid and offlane ez game so ez with 1 more

                        Also carry tps, cant let peipe die st tier 1 tiwers or behind them no matter what!!!


                          2 v 1 3 v 1 i expect them to zone and provide kill possibility on offlaner.
                          2v2 3v2 i expect them not to feed 4head

                          if im leveled enough+have early items to stay comfortably in lane against offlaner(zone jhim) , let the support gank if i need stacks ill do it

                          supports can use courier freely but cores get priority imo, but fdepends anyway on item

                          igf we get kills it doesnt matter who gets it

                          i just like lich or dazzle as my support, but depends on lane

                          Welt aus Eis

                            >high mmr

                            Terrible Murderer

                              if its 3v1 line, then supports must keep enemy offlaner away from exp aoe by harassing and killing him. if they cant they have to kill offlaner as much as possible. if they cant do this as well - nobody needs triple line like this, you better git gud and move 1 or 2(if carry can farm solo) supports to other lanes


                                >anything that starts with a digit lower than 7
                                >high mmr


                                  if u want to become a good support u have to answer these questions yourself as they apply differently every single game
                                  rule of thumb: dont pull when your creepwave is already pushing into enemy tower as it will balance the lane and a pull will fuck your carry. also dont pull if your carry holds perfect creep equilibrium. but u should know that yourself really