General Discussion

General Discussionsome ember spirit advice

some ember spirit advice in General Discussion

    well I want to learn ember spirit anyone could give some tips ??? and here is my completed iteam build for him

    Finished item build : boots of travel , mjollnir deadleus battlefurry , linkens sphere and Radiance / and sometimes I get a moon shard to eat if I have too much gold . I want to just get some simple tips ....


      oooh holy crap thats wrong on so many levels


        what do you mean ?


          is it bad ???


            well, i cant call an ember spirit build which involves radiance for whatever reason, decent


              and mjollnir


                dont pick ember when thye have riki

                WINNING MENTALITY

                  wait we can talk on steam I add u maybe u can help


                    no dont do it i cant
                    i dont have time to post anything here either, wait for some1 else to come

                    WINNING MENTALITY

                      ehhh ok :(


                        change mjolnir for another battlefury, and radiance for another daedalus

                        Pale Mannie

                          Put always a remnant down behind before you do anything


                            dotn go mjollnir or radiance. Just go Aquila, travel, battlefury, crit and jump around and kill stuff

                            WINNING MENTALITY

                              do battlefurry stack I mean if I buy 2 battlefurrys do they do more splash damage when I use my 2 nd ability on creeps ? do the outgoing cleave stack ? on battlefurry ???


                                Yes cleave stacks as well as crits
                                When opponent has silence: bkb or manta depending on the hero (on high lvl this is mandatory since hard counter to ember is hex or silence but it really depends on your opponents)

                                Ember is a versitale hero and you can choose whatver you want to build in different situations.

                                IIRC crit chance wont increase but the percentage dmg will

                                WINNING MENTALITY

                                  ohhh nice
                                  thx man so if I buy 2 deadlues I get more crit ????

                                  WINNING MENTALITY

                                    ok thx for the tips everyone I go play a match now with eber to see if I win


                                      iearly game you want some or all of these items - poor mans, aquila or magic wand, and a bottle. even if you are safe lane bottle is good on ember.

                                      these allow you to be much more useful and much harder to kill, you're much better off going for a safe build that works in majority of games than skipping early game items and losing games because of it. you lose more games by being greedy and skipping wand + aquila before getting travels than win games because you rushed travels and skipped early game stat items.

                                      both wand and aquila are good for extra stats, aquila also gives you decent armour which helps you survive early game cos ur armour is shit. flame guard protects you vs magic so physical damage is your weakness at that point. wand is always good early game.

                                      after that, travels rush is popular on ember nowadays, into battle fury, and after that it's situational but blink is a fairly common item after battle fury.

                                      radiance is bad late game but even if you rush it, it is still bad on ember because battle fury is much better. for farming and for damage, plus regen for your spells. also you don't want to be close to your opponents you want to be dealing safe damage from range with sleight of fist. you can only stay close range to enemies in early game when flame guard is really strong.

                                      mjollnir is bad because it doesn't scale late game and battle fury does. it's more expensive than bfury too, so there's almost no reason to choose it for the aoe damage when battlefury does a better job.

                                      linkens sphere is a situational item you should not build it every game. if you don't need the spell block, skadi provides more stats and also a slow.


                                          where did u come up with this build lol?

                                          WINNING MENTALITY

                                            I looked at pro matches on YT