General Discussion

General Discussionto all 2ks who don't believe what you can get out of your trench

to all 2ks who don't believe what you can get out of your trench in General Discussion

    just git gud, don't create smurf accounts, learn how to play this game and you will get ur mmr sooner or later.

    if system is so shitty for you, then why 5-6k players are stomping you so easily?


      eh smurfing is easier, having to climb 2000 mmr takes a long time! I've smurfed to highskill and im 60%wr


        climbing with ember doesnt prove anythint tbh.

        Low Expectations

          ^^ you will soon fall, you are not getting better just kidding yourself and ruining other peoples games


            Guys 2k shit is awful, u win a few games then ur paired with incredibly retarded teammates who pick mid/ carry and lose u the game. There's no way u can climb fast, creating a new acct is the only way.

            lm ao

              2k is winnable I've been coached by jo hes such a good guy, a very beautiful and cute flower ehehehe
              heres his inventory pls give him a lot of nice girl hero items hes done a lot for the community by aiding the next ti6 champion to the next level



                      I'm not ruining other peoples games! and to be honest highskill is worse

                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                        Normal skill is the best specially if you can't get out of it amirite swirl-chan???

                        Miku Plays

                          I make people wet in 3k


                            No offense shit mug... but you ain't good eithe, dying the way you do in normal games with easy drafts on your side vs 5 carry teams.


                              I climbed almost 1k mmr after my calibration in the past 3 months or can get out of 2k, just improve your play. Generally if you do good and people see you as the guy making the plays they will follow you. If you just suck, nobody is gonna listen to you and you're gonna have a flame-fest on your hands.


                                nah high skill is better than normal skill most of the times.


                                  No your not right! I'm just saying its easier to smurf than to climb 1000 mmr, which i have already done and still going up but i cant be fucked! high/VHigh skill isn't that different and alot of people don't deserve to be there. they are just lucky enough to be carried.

                                  Von Darkmoor

                                    "Guys 2k shit is awful, u win a few games then ur paired with incredibly retarded teammates who pick mid/ carry and lose u the game. There's no way u can climb fast, creating a new acct is the only way."
                                    I hate to dissapoint you guys but thats literally everybracket there is 3,5 -4k i exactly the same its because the matchning tries to keep you att 50/50 wins/lossas thus to climb you need to learn to win despite the tards and outfeeed or out push your temats feed.

                                    This means as a carry YOU MUST OUTLAST HIT ENEMYS AND TEAMMATE CANT DO IT DONT PLAY IT !!!!! DONT PING DONT TYP
                                    O U T L A S T HIT THEM Idiots!