General Discussion

General Discussion4 blademails to counter spectre?

4 blademails to counter spectre? in General Discussion

    Hi guys, 3k mmr scrub here. I played spectre just a while ago and managed to farm radiance in 20 mins, when suddenly the enemy team shows up with 4 blade mails. Everytime I haunt or join a teamfight I get massive damage. Probably the first time my life got harder as a spectre after farming a radiance.

    Is this strat legit? What is the interaction between blade mails and haunt radiance? What would be the best course of action if you were to face such situation?


      Ha-ha! Good shit.

      Hope, someone will explain. But for me, they wanted to force you to make BKB and delay your core items so they could snowball you and finish it earlier.

      I think relation of radiance with your haunt / blademail is same as Enigma's Midnight Pulse / blademail, more enemy has BMs, more damage gets reflected to you.


        they got it against lina zeus etc not only you, and this strat is not good :D


          LMAO, that shit is awful... I remember I got a game where enemy bought like 3-4 blademails I think, but I really didn't care much.
          I bet it was only painful for veno :D


            I'm not sure if blademail will reflect the radiance aura damage from illusions back to you directly or to the illusions. Will need to test it some time. I know that autoattacks by the illusions onto blademail will result in the damage being reflected to the illusion because the illusion is the source of damage. However since radiance burn is an aura I'm not sure if the damage source is considered the illusion that is next to the blademail, or if the damage source is Spectre herself.

            But yeah I think that its not a very effective counter to Spectre. All she needs to do is wait for the enemy to use the blademail in a fight and then haunt after that. Alternatly buying a bkb will block all the blademail damage.


              tell ur team to fight/push and just ulti in from fountain