General Discussion

General Discussion6 PM, magic cutoff time

6 PM, magic cutoff time in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    I've noticed this weird trend, where almost all my consistent MMR gains are during daytime (like I'll win 3-4 and then lose 1, mostly fair games) and if I ever play past 7 PM Local (which means late night, US EAST) I can't win more than 1 without losing 1 because someone instalocks mid and goes 1-10 in the first 15 minutes.

    Is it cuz all the 10-17 year olds are out of school and mommy/daddy finally let them play, or what

    Bad Intentions

      Dem kids are at home mannn :]


        What kids get home at 7pm damn


          I have really pleasant games in the morning. I keep telling myself not to play after mid-afternoon - almost guaranteed to have idiots in the games. all "im afk" "omg report xxx for yyy"

          its definitely because the schoolkids come home from school.

          ps 65% win rate for 9am games, 46% winrate for 6pm games (on CET)

          < blank >

            Those kids are not kids, they are old man with a shitty job und who came home after 1-2h traffic
            They really don't care about life at this point and you expect them to give a shit about a game?
            There are also autists, who knows what person you'll get in your next game


              I doubt that very much. As you get older you do get wiser and more mature. The toxic tea-time crowd are definitely kids coming home from school.

              Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all kids are toxic, I'm saying most toxic players are kids.

              This will sound patronising but apart from a couple of guys like waga, there aren't really any decent role models in the pro/streaming scene. People like rtz, sumail, that Russian dude etc. make it seem like rage is admirable. It really isn't and there's nothing in life where your performance is improved by rage.

              Almost everyone grows out of it - few old men carry on fighting on Friday night, rock stars mellow out, footballers become pundits.

              Rage is a young persons mindset.


                ur name reminded me of this d&b oldschool stuff lol

                just dont play late night or early ass mornings, but if u are unlucky u can lose during daytime too

                lm ao

                  Its really magical


                    Australian games are definitely like that as well. Playing at night results in significantly worser games.