General Discussion

General Discussionblink on meppo ?

blink on meppo ? in General Discussion

    My friend whos like 2k mmr he has like 200 games on meppo not a bad win rate on him but he dies a lot and always goes for same items like rushing heart after ags and if he dies few times before he even gets it guess what he just has boots and aggs for like 50 min coz that axe is like 3400 gold, i told him to learn blink on meppo but he refuses he says that meppo is already hard enough to play and he also says that on low mmr it dont matter you dont need blink coz people are stupid and when they see one meppo they just run to kill him then he puffs and owns them. He also says blink has no stats...its better get other items

    is he right or not ?


      for a 2k mmr level hes right, blink would have a negative impact on his winrate.
      in a normal dota game tho, a meepo without blink is a nonsense.

      < blank >

        He is bad, who goes for heart on Meepo anyway


          ahh i see so he was right about that, but what about rushing heart after ags ? he always does it like every single game and if he fails to get it he only has boots and ags entire game


            its probably better to go for skadi, but hot is acceptable, too

            remember: it applies to 2k bracket only



              what about laning with meppo, he always goes to lane till level 3 then goes jungle, it kinda annoys me when im playing carry coz he just running around in my lane till level 3 sometimes even trying to take my last hits


                why doesnt he play meepo as a carry himself tho?


                  i know thats what i been telling him... i said if you wanna play meppo just play in safe lane as a carry and ill go support you or mid or offlane instead, he says its hard to lane while using other meppos to jungle at same time


                    hot is trash
                    tell him to watch some replays
                    2ks often have no idea how dota works just because they live in 2k pubs and don't watch anything


                      i know iv been trying to tell him to watch some games... he refuses and thinks he knows what hes doing lol


                        tell him to buy 4 skadi


                          i think reason he goes for heart is so that he has some sort of HP regen


                            HP regen goes to main meepo only anyway, so why bother getting it when Skadi comes with a lot of damage. Even ethereal blade stacking is better. tell him to get diffusal level 2 right after aghs and then skadi and then ehtereal.