General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I escape the 1k trench.

How do I escape the 1k trench. in General Discussion

    Seriously what the fuck. I'm not gonna be blaming my team mates here, but in the past three ranked games I played, I played with one guy who played ember spirit twice. How the fuck I get matched twice in a row with this guy I don't know. The point is that he maxed out w first, didnt put a point in his ult until level 14 and asking why he was dying so much. Did I also mention how he straight up rushed BF from level 1 without even buying regen? No boots no nothing. Battle fury. When he was going perservernce he even went void stone first like what the fuck how do stay alive. Then he started flaming everybody like it was our fault he was feeding the PA so much which inevitably rit 5 times in a row of course and cleaved us all down. Bitch was 1 hitting my treants so I couldn't push. Not to mention our PL decided daedalus and yasha was above difusal. I mean fuck, you were doing well at the moment shouldve bought a difusal, am I right? Guess what, we lost. Sometimes I'm the one on the lucky end of the feed game, just look at my last FV game. I swear they were all like 50mmr. I know it's not my teamates fault I'm at 1k, but shit, it would be nice to not have a game of feeding assholes. When I play with certain friends we always stomp. My party mmr is double my solo. So what can I do, individually to get the fuck out of this trench.
    TLDR 1k sucks ass


      play mid or carry with high impact 1v9 heroes i'd say


        Learn to farm efficiently and outfarm enemy with practically any hero you want. Any hero CAN snowball. That should be enough to get you up to 2k easily, after that you need more mechanics.

        Though you can NOT win every game, there will be many games you will not be able to win whatever you do. Just get past them (even more: losing is learning, so watch the replays following the player that was the key factor in your loss) and win the next one. There are a lot of decently skilled players in 1k too, with the same problem that you have. You have the skills needed to play a bit higher MMR games, but you do not possess the skills to progress there yet.

        Zorthax Dorn

          From just a very fast glance your builds don't really make a lot of sense to me personally. I specifically looked at your Natures Prophet game that you lost recently, like 4-15 KD I believe. You built a midas, which in my opinion, is not good on NP. It just delays the time for Prophet to come online and he really doesn't need the midas boost if you're trying to focus on split pushing.

          To that point, I saw you built aghs but you went shadow blade instead of blink which also doesn't make sense. Blink is a much safer split pushing item than shadow for NP. The only thing I can assume, without jumping into your heavy stats, is you were split pushing at the wrong times or letting the rest of your team suffer because of the only split-push focus and/or delay in team fight items like the midas pick up.

          If you want to split push, specifically the aghs style. You need a octarine, and above all else, stop picking shadow blade. I hate when split pushers pick up that item. Blink is vastly superior.


            I reall should add more to my post... Im 1,8k atm myself - so its not like I would be a very good adviser. However I do know, that it can be difficult to escape that level, at my experience rising at around 2,5k - 3k would be easier since your whole team does not do practically everything they can to lose the game for you. After 2k it gets a bit easier, since likely everyone in the game knows the basic shit. That would not be the case around 1k MMR games.


              ^ this. sometimes matchmaking just sticks it to you. I played a wr game a couple days ago, won mid hard, ganked a few times, and everything was going swimmingly until half my team started diving enemy jungle with no visibility and feeding deaths/lc dmg away. that game I def felt the win had been "taken away from me", even though I personally was having an ideal game.

              other games, I'm probably the one taking wins away from a teamate, because I'm often bad. goes both ways.

              Zorthax Dorn

                Honestly. if you guys want to escape 1k (I've never been there personally, but I went from like 2.4K party to a hovering 3.8k with just casual playing) pick heavy pushers. Teams in the low brackets do not understand how to beat the push strategies, spam Death Prophet, Pugna etc.

                Heroes with heavy push and survivability are the go-to in my opinion. Pugna is an absolute monster in pubs because they either don't understand Decryp, life drain or how his ward works & blast pushes like a monster. Learn him, get a Mek, Aether & aghs and you're unstoppable.


                  And of course, its always nice to load a game, wait for others to connect and peek a little bit the enemy team - just to find out, there is a 2-stack that has won last 20 games in row, the other player having like 1,5 KDA and the other having like 20+ KDA in every game. Think you will be winning this game? ;)

                  Well, Im guilty on that sometimes myself. Im at 1,8 - 2,2 solo MMR myself, but have my kid at 4,9k. We have around same party MMR since we do play together sometimes and its fun to connect onto a 2k game, make sure you dont die, watch not to get abandon for inactivity and see my 4,9k kid just wreck everything after farming so much faster GPM / XPM than anyone else in the game. Free MMR ty. :P


                    With NP I like Shadow Blade cus no one ever buys detection and it is sometimes more reliable of escaping. Plus I like getting a silver edge to deal with all the PA pickers. As for midas, I pciked it up one time for a challenge and kept buying it, but I dont care too much for it so I think I'll stop. I like NP in 1k because he doesnt rely as much on the team and I can't tell you how much games I literally won by myself. I dont like thinking that I'm better than these guys or saying I don't belong in 1k because I got calibrated here afterall, but it sucks because I have a good game most of the time and then my team feeds all 5 of their fucking carries. FeelsBadMan.
                    When I play ranked I like to pick Axe NP OD and Tiny because I can snowball a little harder with those than others. At least I'm climbing though.

                    [K]nighttime ඞ

                      You should spamm OD. It may not be fun all the time but in 1k almost no team will counter you since coordination and communication is something you wont see to often.

                      I know you wont get to far by spamming one hero but you asked for escaping 1k and this is in my opinion one of the easiest ways

                      Hope i could help a bit :)

                      THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                        lol yeah that was my original plan, especially since no one ever picks pugna ;)