General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u dumpster spectre pickers with slark

how do u dumpster spectre pickers with slark in General Discussion

    ok so on my past 2 games i got dumsptered by a spec even tho i got the firstbloods (i always get firstbloods with slark) and 2-4 kills on my safelane but during the mid game i still get dumsptered by specs because a) im a shitty player and b) spec is a pubstomper. even tho i was playing at 200 ping i knew i couldve done better bcoz slark is an ez hero in ghe first place

    every time i try to pick her off she just glides into trees and both specs built vanguard so my rightclicks dont do much, not to mention her dispersion reflects too much of my darkpact damage

    on my first game i was laning against the spec and i went 2-0 over here but then when she got vanguard i couldnt kill her anymore, not to mention we were playing 4v5

    on my 2nd game it's a lot less of my fault and a lot more of how my team worked with each other, our silencer was racist towards pinoys during early game so idk mebe he was killed when he was typing, our mid lost because apparently sf was his quest, our mirana was doing nothing, and even tho dark seer was really good he isnt much of a game winning hero. me missing my pounces dont help either

    i was thinking of skipping drums and going straight into silver edge

    < blank >




        Bad Intentions

          U aint killin a spec 1v1 without great physical damage, multiple nukes or removing her dispersion via SE.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Welcome to the club, THE ANTI-SPECTRE PACT WELCOMES YOU.


              i won a game as slark with a spectre in the game

              because spectre was my teammate

              waku waku

                spectre destroys slark don't even think about it


                  ^slark is one of the best carries against spectre


                    I've seen people get Quelling Blade against spec so that they can deny her creeps. And when she runs into the trees early you follow her as far as possible cutting down the tree or 2 actually in the way.

                    Getting kills on spec is important, but denying her creeps is equally important. Deny lots and keep your wave back near your tower so you can get even more kills. Then when she is 0-4 with no farm. (If you really want to win badly) Go mention it in all chat and let her team take the rest of her farm from her for the rest of the game.


                      ^qb doesnt give bonus dmg for denying ur creeps


                        i dont know spectres like the easiet hero to kill if theres no trees in immediate proximity


                          i hev one questions about speceters ^


                            @triplesteal can u elaborate

                            is it because of how much essence u can steal from spec bcoz of how tanky she is

                            or is it bcoz slark is a rly good silver edge holder

                            or is it something im too dumb to know


                              Oh well. I've had people follow me into the trees using QB and its always surprising being killed in the middle of teleport. At least at 1k. I hold my opinion though that denying is the way to go. I wouldn't be able to 1v2 lane specter if the other team didn't constantly push the lane into the safest places for me to farm.


                                spesctecreses is a cool hero


                                  u dont need to buy qb to cut trees, particularly given that u r on the offlane. use ur tangos in this case.

                                  silver edge is not that important, passive stats steal is very good against spectre.
                                  the main reason tho is that slark is particularly strong in the periods of the game when spectre is weakest, he comes online earlier. in the midgame u cant rly fight spectre when she just got her core items, but she also cant prevent u from killing supports, and in the very lategame u kick her ass if u dint fuck up ur itembuild and know when to run and when to hit.

                                  Holy Roman Empire

                                    1) Dont think 200 ping is bad
                                    2) keep her under pressure


                                      so ive approached spec the wrong way by changing how i play slark

                                      if i go drum, do i go drums first before shadowblade or shadowblade first before drum

                                      ive done both and ive seem to be able to gank better with shadowblade first, then i get a drum so i can siege towers faster


                                        u either get drums before sb or dont get drums at all


                                          and i personally vote for the 2nd option


                                            u can just get aquila wand shadowblade or something like that


                                              yeah most of my games without drums were way better because i'd get a timely sny

                                              but swiftending's building it a lot on him for some reason i dunno


                                                Pick lc


                                                  drums is good in some games, in other games faster shadowblade is game winning


                                                    You have to give spectre the treatment. Same one alch gets. Have your team smoke up over and over to slay her.


                                                      Just got rekt by a spectre.
                                                      it was 40 - 10 for my team
                                                      then she just fucked everyone up the ass and they won.
                                                      when he gets enough farm it really gets out of control


                                                        did u at least create spectre illusion and kill his tteam


                                                          Slark can kill spec pre 20 minutes, if he has help. do that.

                                                          if spectre manages to get diffusal and/or radiance, good fucking luck. unless you catch her all by herself and her ult is down...

                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                            ^ if he has help? Slark can rape her pre 20 mins by himself.

                                                            I usually shit on Spectre with Slark, weird.

                                                            Puck you

                                                              As a spectre player:

                                                              Slark is a pain in the ass up until the point you get Manta. However, you can usually prevent feeding the slark with simply buying tanky items and tp out as soon as slark jumps you (provided he didnt bring a friend with stun). Hence, never gank her without a stun.

                                                              After manta, slark cannot deal with spectre efficiently. She simply has too much EHP and manta breaks pounce. Sure, spectre cant kill slark easily. But neither can slark kill spectre easily, given similar farm.

                                                              The truth is that spectre doesnt have any real hard counters in terms of heroes. The only thing that hard counters her is early pushes, i.e. she is countered by certain strategies.

                                                              So, as for the conclusions.

                                                              1. Dont pick slark against spectre, pick heroes that are good for push strats instead.
                                                              2. If you insist on spectre, dont spend too much time hunting her down. Instead, go for other heroes that are easier to kill. Make sure to farm plenty as well. Snowball, and end the game pre 30 minutes. You just cant deal with her late, no matter what this tripplesteal guy says.

                                                              Dick Trouser, MD

                                                                Dispersion gud, slark not so good against aoe abilities.


                                                                    Actually manta can break pounce, if you are on the border, and manta displace you far enough.


                                                                        Put really gay dual offlane so spectre cant farm or even lane there, farm exceptionally, get early PT, Aquila and SB at minute 12 and just kill her off map till she abbandons.

                                                                        If the team doesnt protect her properly you can take advatage of that so easily when she swaps lane or after her bad laning stage.

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          I honestly don't understand why Pounce, which isn't even a stun nor an ultimate and only has 8 seconds cooldown, can't be dispelled even by strong dispel.


                                                                            now I don't think Slark requires a nerf at all so why question his skillset


                                                                              sam, i guess that the hero box rework in source2 was enough of a nerf for slark's pounce



                                                                                You don't dumpster Spectre pickers with slark. There's an exception and that is if you're an extremely good Slark player or you're higher mmr than the guys you're playing versus.

                                                                                Slarks quickly becomes completely useless if he fall behind Spectre, although he can be strong if you're ahead.

                                                                                Rather look into Morphling/Ember. Also try to have a team that 5mans, and/or has a lot of heals so you don't die 5 to Spectre

                                                                                Jesus Christ is a Black L...

                                                                                  Want tips to counter Spectre easily? I can help you, Spectre Spammer here. Hehe

                                                                                  Jesus Christ is a Black L...

                                                                                    Im a tryhard Badman, so I know much about Spectre

                                                                                      Sexo Meister

                                                                                        Damn triple u bustin balls here n there