General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long did it take you to get good at this game?

How long did it take you to get good at this game? in General Discussion
M A N vs N O O B S

    So I'm new to dota 2, swapping from hon, and just curious how long it has taken other people who are well rated in other mobas to adjust.

    If you are from lol or hon, and are well ranked now, what was your time frame?

    Obviously it is all down to me to learn, but I'm just curious if hitting 5k in 12-18 months is a realistic goal. (I seem pretty garbage currently, but I have about 30 games to my belt, so I guess it's to be expected.)

    For what's it's worth, some of the people I played hon against are top 200 ranked now, but they were always a lot better than me, and have been here a while.

    All advice and flame welcome.


      whats "good" for you?

      Bad Intentions

        HON players can adapt quickly in dotes man, since hon is much more fast paced and ur used to react quickly. So just keep on grinding man :]


          How much experience have you got in other mobas? If its a lot (>2000 hours) you can expect to calibrate to ~3k (depends on how good you are at dota really cos there's only so much skill in other games can get you. Looking at your profile you are ranked at high skill so you will likely calibrate within the 3k range. You will need to play a lot to increase - say you start at 3.5k, to get to 5k that's 1.5k. You get 25 for a win so that's 60 more wins than losses. So with a 55% winrate (you will likely start with 60% but it will drop towards 50% as you climb) that's 1200 games, which you can get in a year at 4 games per day.

          M A N vs N O O B S

            Thanks guys.

            Yeah, I am finding the speed quite easy to deal with (so far).

            Detailed response kappastorm. I don't like thinking about how many hours of hon I've played, needless to say, too many!

            Your maths is spot on though, so it might be a bit of a grind. I'm kind of hoping I have a huge leap in skill once I become familiar with the hero pool, because atm I'm doing a heap of stupid plays not knowing what the opponent's spells do. Somewhat of a handicap.

            Bad Intentions

              Yo OP, also add me up so i can spy on your gamez :]


                I will never consider myself good at this game


                  I will always be bad at this game

                  Pale Mannie

                    Still learning how2carry for 1 1/2 years


                      Depends what you consider good. Hon as mentioned feels "faster" I actually played better coming off hon then after adapting to Dota as its almost like swinging a waited bat however the item and hero balence and strategy is vastly different good luck


                        ~1000-1500 hours --> 4.7k mmr


                          if you were decent at hon you will be decent at dota


                            2 years then really good my third year and onwards


                              trick question. I'm STILL not good at this game! even when I play well, it's just because I'm slightly less bad than my opponent during that game.

                              M A N vs N O O B S

                                ^ lol. That's honest.


                                  yea i was shit at hon thus i am shit at dota :')