General Discussion

General Discussionhow to avoid / play well with these ppl ?

how to avoid / play well with these ppl ? in General Discussion
Onii chan

    Im always cooperative with teamates, pick what they need and do what role i should do. but in step of my winrate increased, i saw much retards ppl just doing farming all day, keep blaming, stange build. u can saw my recent match am build and his play, and silly build, all want solo, and im ended up roaming / jungling (WITH PA)
    its ended up lose and all blame into me. and higher my winrate become, much FARMVILLE player there without caring about his own teamates, and ended up blaming cuz lose. hs bracket more enjoyable to me tough. help me plz ?


      consider it to be part of the game, accept it and move on. dont focus on it, and dont let urself rage.

      < blank >

        Do a break (~1h) after those games

        Onii chan

          im not raging or anything. i just want an answer. here, if i told being a stunner sup (im pick cent ), invoker farm mid and after euls he kill and always sacrifing me ( hes said "dag g" and he comes late), no one wards exept me ( im ended up buy cour too ), am farm like forever, sardar just random dag and ended up ganked, and im ended up blamed cuz no item and feed ( im g cuz u and im no item cuz im not farming anyway ). point wheres my fault then


            You don't need an answer. You need to move on. The sooner you realize that the other 9 players are not in your control, the better.

            If you seriously want an answer on topic, which is to avoid playing with the people you deem to be incompetent, try ignoring them in-game so the next time you load a game, you check all of your teammates to see if at least one of them was ignored by you so you dodge that particular game by failing to load. This results in 10 minutes ban from queuing for matches for the first time, with incremental punishment as you dodge more consecutively. But that is the only answer one can give you so far.

            Onii chan

              ty mate, maybe i should mute all the players and make it like a bot match.




                  Step 1: Google Fiber

                  Step 2: Play on US West

                  Step 3: ????

                  Step 4: Get russian and Peruvian dual stacks, lose game

                  Step 5: Delete Dota 2

                  Step 6: Reinstall 2 month later when the retards are ruining 5k games with bought accs

                  Step 7: ????

                  Step 8: Win Ti6

                  Onii chan

                    ^nc, and dont forget we have penoy on SEA


                      You can't depend on other players to carry you constently in solo que. gotta go mid and fuck up everyone yourself.

                      some games are not winnable cuz ur teammates will lose lane as viper to a melee hero somehow.



                        Stunner supp and he goes with cent ahahahhahahhaha. But he knows everything and godly support, totally not his fault they got rekt 😂

                        STFFU and learn to play ffffff trash :hush:

                        Onii chan

                          so thats my mistake then. sry for being a noob. in my mind sup hero is hero who can give a burst dmg, do warding ,gank , etc. maybe i need to learn dota more. thx anyway ^_^


                                How is Op in Vhs bracket, can anyone explain please?

                                < blank >

                                  If you think just because there is VHS he must be good? haha

                                  Onii chan

                                    i dunno either. but dude i think hs more enjoyable than Vhs. In my recent match, hs player usually know what is counter, lineup, even drafting. but in Vhs everyone wants to carry, mid, solo lane, everyone curse each other on team more than hs player do. dunno whats the problem, maybe they think kills avg xpm gpm will make hes mmr 5k++. or maybe cuz i play in SEA ? -_-
