General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to git gud

How to git gud in General Discussion

    Alright so how do i git gud at this game?


        wut is a rope?

        the realm's delight

          how can u hang urself without a rope


            Helena makes enough fun of herself, no need to make such sad troll attempts.

            Miku Plays

              u pik the chosen hero


                you pkay dota
                you keep playing
                you play again
                u realize u were pathetic shit a year ago. now u r better but still shit.
                u keep playing
                3 more years
                and u finally reach 1500 mmr
                u can finally say u got good in the game
                ur mom is proud
                everyone in the hood knows and respects you
                teenage girls make tatoos with ur name on their A cup tits
                u get invited to talk-shows in your country
                u are asked how did u succeed


                  Stealing HelenaLive's name is ill-eagle. Please stop it immediately or I will report you to the twitch authorities and the cyber police.