General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease Help

Please Help in General Discussion

    I play Anti Mage , got pretty good farm early with nyx harrassing solo off lane slardar. I made some bad decisions trying to fight early instead of farm farm farm. I just ask, SHOW ME WHAT I COULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY TO HAVE WON THIS MATCH.

    PLEASE I don't know what the hell is wrong, my win rate on anti mage is trash. Please show me what I'm doing wrong; any of you please.

    Any time I tried to kill one of their heros, they were there; and I just melted. I had decent farm too. I'm just so confused as to what I'm doing wrong.

    I'm disgusted, I wanted to rage, I contained myself. I am just numb lol

    I expect flaming trolls, what I have for you is a god bless you.




        firstly aim for at least 10 cs/min.
        and you need to able to determine if you can fight or u better push thats what will make u better with am.


          i think usually its better to split push as am in normal skill games. ppl dont rotate properly todefend, and the rotations u do force will always be beneficialto team. u melt towers better than melting heroes in fights. more chance of mistakes in fights my friend. just try one game u dont help ur team and just hit towers. just learn that skill first before u start thinking about fighting


            also by good early game farm i hope u mean battelfury before 15 min ;)


              Yeah I had battle fury in 13-4 minutes.. I skipped vlads and went for butterfly because sniper and slardar were just melting me.

              I guess my mistake was that i rotated when I only had battlefury and treads? Also Instead of constant farming I was interested in ganking their jungle < is that a mistake? ( I would kill one of their heros but would just get caught by 1 or 2 others. ) I also think It was a mistake for me to put all of my early skills into Q skill rather than blink. Thoughts?

              Thank you friends


                I figure whenever there is a team fight, especially around mid; it is a good idea to tp and help them but as I think of it. The only time to tp is when you know theyre not going to get completely trashed, is that right lol?

                but even then if you tp and your team loses the fight what do you do as you and or 1 other hero on your team is alive and theyre pushing your tower. just go and farm jungle or.. go to different lane ?

                So many factors to determine when to rotate and when to farm. I have a problem with it

                I'll tell you I farm pretty good, don't miss much last hits. But I can be a bit aggressive i.e no wards up and still "looking for a gank, and I'll get caught.


                  it's frustrating because a couple past matches, my team will dominate the early game, instead of 5 man pushing they'll keep farming and looking for team fights while the other team with a better late game line up . one game had anti mage, alchemist, wraith king, slark and tinker Lol!

                  it's SO frustrating just straight trashing the other team early. and then come later they just rekt you... So frustrating.