General Discussion

General Discussionto the VHS supports - Dazzle questions

to the VHS supports - Dazzle questions in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Hey guys, my support play is pretty awful first and foremost. I trying to get a better grip on dazzle, and I'm hoping you guys can help me with that.

    I have a few questions:

    1. What to do with poison touch? I've often heard from high level players that it's one of the worst skills in the game. However, I notice a lot of pros usually get at least one level in it even though level 1 poison touch actually looks bad. So, do you get level 1 poison touch at level 2 or 4 or something, and use it to harass/ slow for kills/ pop linkens in the mid to late game? Also, should you continue to level poison touch after level 1, or should you go for something like stats instead?

    2. What are the major items to get? Should mek be a priority if there is no natural mek carrier? I feel like in my games the lack of mobility leads to some more deaths than I like (although that probably has more to do with my positioning).

    3. Is solar crest the way to go? I used to see it bought all the time, not just on Dazzle, but on a lot of heroes. Now I hardly ever see it built. What's the reasoning behind this, and is this an item to look into on dazzle? Assume 5 pos support.

    TLDR: 1. What's your stance on posion touch (how do you go about leveling it). 2. What major items should you get (is mek always required?) 3. Do you build a solar crest?

    Thanks guys, I know it was a lot of text, but I'm just trying to better understand how high level players play this hero, and the thought process behind it.


        Unless you see kill potential, like at the rune. Don't get it. Max your e than w. Get your poison touch over stats though. If your team has no Urn pick one up it is really good on Dazzle. Also remember all your skills are physical.

        yung griphook

          thanks guys.

          it seems like nobody was for getting a mek. Is this because your E is enough? or is the mek just too hard to farm?

          Mastah Weyne

            nahh, dazzle is a good farmer for a support cause he can clear waves. yes, the E is enough; dazzle already gives health and armor anyway, it would be great to still buy it and go greaves if you're that far ahead.


              1. Poison touch is good if you want to harass enemy in early game, prevent blink initiation and break linken at late game. Sometimes having a 33% slow is good enough for your allies to catch up. But the more you play, you will find this skill is pretty worthless I would say. You should max stat over poison touch to be able to survive a teamfight if you get initiate on.
              2. I like to build urn > medal > solar crest > force/eul > agh if the game go well, you might need cloak for caster like zeus, veno or lina. Ghost is good if your enemy have big physical right clicker like pa, ta or ursa.
              3. Crest is very good if your allies have good physical damage, like SF, slar, etc...( more minus armor). Be able to take down rosh fast is good too.

              Mek is good if you can afford it before i would say min 15-16. Its values will be higher as soon as you pick it up but consider your pos 5 it will take some time for you to buy it. If you want more pushing power you can get it for your team or to counter heavy nuke damage from lina, lion or qop is pretty good as well.

              Sorry for my bad english.

                yung griphook

                  thanks guys. @Eliot your english is fine man

                  Do you ever feel like you need the mobility because you're being focused? Like if they have a slark or someone that just takes you out in the start of a team fight


                    If you are being focused then basically your position is wrong, or your warding and map sense are bad to predict a gank is coming your lane. And tbh dazzle is a babysit hero not a gank or a roaming one, so just protect your carry and hope for the best that him/her will carry you. If you get initiated on just grave yourself and tp or call for help in the mean time. Try to juke if you can, too. A good dazzle need no mobility I think, but if you think rushing a blink/force or eul for mobility is needed then it is fine.

