General Discussion


VERY HIGH SKILL BRACKET in General Discussion

    any tips? please. all the VHS player. post some tips on this topic..


      dont even need to check profile to know you are SEA normal skill. Why are these posts appearing every hour?


        Im SEA high skill. ;3 so u are wrong.

        Chi Long Qua

          i used to always have normal skill bracket, now i only have hs and vhs, i dont how that happened.


            skill bracket reflects your mmr, mmr reflects your skill, u can find thousands of "how to improve" guides everywhere by urself


              Failed smurf AHAHAH


              Ez 4th game felt something like high 4k low 5k already.


                hurmmm.. ;( ok.. trying to read and find guides. but seem like not much of a guide to improve from HS to VHS. and most of the time people make fun of it and curse it and not even giving a guide or tips. ;(.

                btw thanks dude.


                  Selena gomez. oh my ? that was awesome? 4 game doing really well !

                  Dick Trouser, MD

                    Tips are pretty irrelevant, it comes down to awareness and dedication to getting better. If you flame your team, stop, its irrelevant. Focus on your own game, focus on the basics (last hitting, positioning, making sure to have tp scrolls, don't over extend, play with your team.) Dota has a lot of variances, and terrible plays can win games in some pubs. That doesnt make the play not terrible. Work on the basics, and once you master them you'll know the times that basic positioning rules like play with your team don't apply. Tl:dr you probably just arent good and it takes time to get better.

                    U are all dogshit

                      U need to mute everyone at first then unmute and flame if u losing so that u are relieved of the stress going into the next game.

                      registered flex offender

                        Don't play like me and you will be 10k ez

                          kenny liao

                            dont feed if u want to vhs me

                            Jesus Perez Ramirez

                              vhs is nothing special. If you want to advance after that, you HAVE TO PLAY in party. There are some parties that have almost 90% winrate. Its not possible while solo playin if you like to from time to time try new things.


                                check out my profile.


                                  tip: kda >3, gpm >500. xpm>500. play mid or carry, whichever ur better with.. after 10 games you are pretty much stuck in whatever bracket you are in.. from there u can play offlane/support.. shit doesnt matter.. just win games. lol


                                    not all on vhs is good dude u should know it if i where u i willing to get advice from 6k rather than random vhs player


                                      Step 1: Go f**k yourself smurfer

                                      Step 2: Repeat step 1


                                        Well i guess, i got enough tips from here. and i will coming back posting again with VHS on my skills bracket.

                                        "Because I ONCE post when im in Normal Skills bracket, I WILL BACK POSTING HOW TO GET HIGH SKILLS''

                                        and HAHA now i get HIGH SKILL? dont underestimate people, when the ask for tips and opinion, just give and keep share what u know.

                                        btw to be a good and pro player, the most important thing is to create a pro player. so if u can create a pro player it means u are pro. just that.

                                        people nowadays cant help someone to improve and achieve their target. but not all, SOME OF THE RETARD PRO player. lel.

                                        BTW YO KITRAK! IM YOUR FAN! haha.. YOU are getting FAMOUS last game i watch u play with EG.Sumail Right? ;D


                                          Queued with a guy who was about 2000 mmr lower than me so I get matched into a 2.3k average mmr game. We get two supports, the lina picks up some early kills so transitions into a core, position 5 dazzle keeps wards up all game, constantly has dust and sentries against a slark with a shadowblade etc.

                                          When I queue with my 4k friend so we get put in 3.8k average games nobody wants to support. There is no tp reactions to help save anyone, you have to buy your own dust if you want to kill an invis hero, reports and flaming fly around like confetti.


                                            ^ muranji, in order for me to get in high skill bracket, mostly i get ward sentries and dust by myself, because cant rely on the other. even if the team doesnt have courier i will buy not for team but for my own actually. and now i manage to get HS. but in order to get in vhs. i still cant get throught that level. i think something is missing and something i dont even take note. thats why i post this thread to see what people opinion and tips that i dont do at a game. something that ive miss must be the reason why im still at hs.


                                              TBH its a never ending story. Ure normal skill - u want to be high skill

                                              high skill - u want to be vhs
                                              u reach 4k - u want 5 k now

                                              and so on...

                                              Fuck it im going skiing to France.

                                              Meat Spinner

                                                I would suggest u to play ur (nearly xD) perfect heroes !