General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I losing so often?

Why am I losing so often? in General Discussion

    I recall having a long winning streak back when I'm still new to this game but now it's completely changed. Now I lost so often as if DOTA are somehow rigged, yeah sometimes I blame myself for stupid mistakes in the match but sometimes it's my teammate's fault too and now I questioned to myself that "Compare me from now with me from the past, What is missing from me in the present?".


      because teamates hold you back


        matchmaking is rigged
        forced 50% winrate


          hidden pool


            It would suggest your MMR is higher than your skill or it could be actual variance for example I have a friend in like 1.8k he has a spectacular w/l ratio as he is better than 1.8k where I have friends with horrible w/l ratios at 4k since they are not really 4k skill. Also you may just be in a slump I know where'd I come back after a long break I get destroyed for weeks


              dota has changed... when i started my self i used to win a lot after 7 months break im back on it and i lose a lot :( one late game mistake and you can easily lose a game it seems.


                Forced 50% my ass you have to realize that after losing a games over and over that dota has hills. You go up like 100 mmr and drop 100 mmr. Its a cycle, like dropping a marble in a bowl. When you lose a game actually think should I play another ranked game. Take breaks and learn to win with op heroes like spectre dont fall for the "supports win games" either. This is the shit tier it's much easier to learn to farm like a 5k player and just kill creeps all day.


                  ^very clever and well-developed theory


                    Ive played too much dota. I have gotten from 1.5k to 2k from supporting but it was almost impossible. Than patches came out and yada yada and my supporting was doing nothing i went from 2k back to 1.8k and i was stuck. Also I was pissed so I took a break and came back with a vengence to carry my dogshit teams over and over and found that learning to last is easier than making space for a carry that may build the right items and may farm efficiently. So with the farming down i picked up another 700 mmr and am at 2.6 now.


                        I do think there is wisdom in SMDs words if your the most skilled player on the team especially in a low MMR game you should be taking the carry role as its simply more important once you reach your correct MMR if support is your thing you can then again support. I do think the best players in any game on any team need to have the 1 2 and 3 positions and it's more important in a low skill game.


                          take breaks. don't play for a day after a loss. that's what I do.


                            My teammates often did a very stupid thing such as telling everyone to engage in a clash when it's clearly that my team is over-matched and yet they still go fight them anyways and Axe ("start a clash when he shouldn't do that" teammates) end up having a KDA 6/24/15 or another day, a !@#$ing pee-noise pick Lion and then abandon and never returned back to the game and I was like "WTF????" after I looked at his profile this is what I found, 31 losing streak with more than 25 abandons in its losing streak.



                                EL #sarjanaDOTA

                                  the only way is you must be better before dont ever blame or trash talk, and if you still losing streak maybe u just need some rest, relax.


                                    all player wants to improve dude already 2016 if u stock on ur skills like your skills when your new its fucking useless if your not improving