General Discussion

General Discussion11 min gg

11 min gg in General Discussion

    So this just happened in a game of a friend of mine (5v5 stack). Basically one team did a lvl 1 roshan, and started 5maning and pushing towers from minute zero. They got their first rax in aroud 5 minutes and ended the game in 11 minutes. It is normal skill and my friends team fed a lot a kills in the roshan engagement, but they have won 3 games like this already.

    How viable is this?? How to counter??

    Dire Wolf

      It's viable, it's pretty well know too, I think witch dr, luna and abbadon are core, sometimes np and venge are swapped around. Like drow over venge maybe. Also shadow shaman is very popular in there over np or venge probably. Sometimes a beast master.

      You have to know it's coming and then it's not super hard to beat. You have to pick stuff that can D from a distance early and still kill late. Wyvern is really good even in nerfed state cus of his wave ice shard thing. Invoker is very good cus he can tornado and meteor from a long distance. AA is really good, you just have to get him to 6 fast but a ton of their push comes from the wd heal. Lina ought to be pretty good with long aoe. If you can get a sniper a maelstrom -> mjollnir he's one of the best at defending this shit but you've probably lost all your t2s by that point lol.


        you got a shti team against their lineup