General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you ever trust your gut feeling ?

Do you ever trust your gut feeling ? in General Discussion

    when you farming a lane and just have that gut feeling you gonna get ganked but you keep farming it and get ganked ? i get it all the time but i just carry on farming like a tard and get killed




        I trust in my gut feeling sometimes but i rather trust in wards tbh [x


          When you are against good players, anytime the ones who can kill you are missing you have to assume they are trying to gank you if you have no vision of them. Obviously this is not applicable if you just saw them walk somewhere like into their jungle very very recently or something.. but if players are good they willl smoke up and kill you to shut you down then proceed to take a tower out of ur carelessness.

          Just saying don't underestimate the power of map awareness.


            yeah basicly when i dont see enemies on map for some time and im pushing lane im saying to my self "im gonna get jumped i better get back but after this 3 last hits" xDDD and i get jumped lol!

            The Good Die Young

              So true^^


                Our intuition is mostly right and we should all listen to it more often.

                Livin' Real Good

                  Here's one of the biggest tips I can give you:

                  If the game is close, and you're EVER off farming a wave far out, and just want that last creep kill (maybe a catapult siege creep) but you feel like they've all been missing too long, that creep isn't worth it, run.


                    i know! but every time i tell to my self "it will be ok just last creep and im out" ahha


                      Cool guys look at the minimap and enemy movement and have no time for that crap, cuz they are busy getting that pu$$y.


                        hoes be trippin

                        Putins Price Hike

                          Whenever u get greedy u should back. Like when ur a creep or 2 from your item and u want to go one more wave to get the gold, just back. Go get it from the jungle

                          Pale Mannie

                            Everytime someone is missing in laning phase my team just says what lane is missing and not the hero who is missing. This grinds me because i get ganked that way due to lack of information what hero is missing in from wich lane -_-

                            Pontic Greek

                              I can relate to this, but there is a double edged sword!

                              Sometimes i see that all the enemy is being sneaky, not on the map, or the supports are missing etc. so i run behind tower to be safe for 1 minute

                              Then they show up on the other side of the map.

                              Should have kept farming

                              Then next time i keep farming and i get ganked.

                              start spamming "We Need Wards"



                                If you get good that happends, that's why I never feed and play safe as fuck when I play carry, I'd rather sacrifice some farm than farming 1/2 creep waves and then dying.


                                  When Im playing Spectre and i have that stupid feeling i always press R to check this. In 90% cases im right :v
