General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys Come in i need Help

Guys Come in i need Help in General Discussion

    İm Playing My Smurf Account ,and account is 47 thropy level ,my friend started ranked match mistaken ,but i want to reach 50 wth high skill and start wth good stats for ranked matchmaking ,is my friend rekt my acoount and i started wth high/normal mixed account? or i have chance to improve my account skills for better MMR ?Thank You.


      i think it should be fine, i did it on my smurf i was HS and i played few ranked games then stopped playing ranked and carried on unranked ones and i reached VHS on unranked after some games


        after ureach VHS u get good mmr right? @vas and thank you for help


          i just want to start 3K+ its all ... But im Playing too much Support is it matter for MMR?


            when i reached VHS and played my placements i think i lost like 8 of them lol and got 3.3k mmr


              is this guy dreaming to be 3k+?

              Mbeju Volador

                lol man


                  just dont play any support pick heros that snowball alot to get good KDA's iv pretty much used mainly riki to get 3.3k and some other meta heros
