General Discussion

General DiscussionHow abandon system works

How abandon system works in General Discussion
Onii chan

    noobs here. imma just wanna ask. one time i play mirana im getting a blackout for an hour but not ended up abandoning ( see my slot all sold ). and other games ( i forgot ) i got a "nature's call" and afks about 10 mins. my money is 0 no item sold and still counted as win. anyone can answer?

    Dire Wolf

      counted as a win on dotabuff or in game? In game those shouldn't show as wins, dotabuff may not be able to tell.

      Onii chan

        in game yes it show save to leave but at my recent game, its win not abandon


          it will be count as abandon but u won't get Low priority, since you finish the game rightly - not throwing -. if you throwing after u abandon u will receive LP

          Onii chan

            so why there isnt something like 68-44-2 on my dotabuff record. if its count as abandon, the numbers are should be there
