General Discussion

General DiscussionIn Appreciation of "Good" Players

In Appreciation of "Good" Players in General Discussion

    The world will be a better place if every professional and casual DotA player had a temperament of s4, Puppey, and Bulldog.

    There was even Dendi. He used to get and have fun while playing professionals & pubs but guess it finally took a toll on him. Now, even he can be seen flaming team-mates, occasionally. But, still better than most who will actually call you shit-stain such as Banana Slam Jamma.

    It's a crazy online world, where you not only have to check on your ego but also have to deal with others' ego.

    The game has taken a turn where core players feel they have justification to treat their supports as second-class citizens. Supports feel they should be free from any criticism, flame & blame simply because they are warding and playing as support.

    Element of trust, respect, and understanding is gone.

    It's like, if you don't flame your team mates in all chat, you can't be deemed a good player. If you don't type "ez" at the end, it's like you won't get satisfaction.

    The minds are becoming slaves of MMR system. Apparently, some people want to reach 5k in 150 matches, when all those good professional players took +2000 matches to reach there while understanding and grasping each and every hero, spell, and item in the process. Only few among us, after calibration, play Normal Qeues.

    It should be you never type in all chat unless really necessary (such as, pause instances).

    It must be welcoming to new players or players trying new heroes. They don't deserve "noob" tag but few lines on what to do and when to do. Never really hard to do that. Mistakes should be told and forgiven. Not really a big deal if you lose "one" match because of someone's or yours mistake; you both will learn.

    It should be about commradrie, devotion, protecting each other with sense of sacrifice (Not every Venge you with will perform sacrificial swap in pubs for you, for instance).

    It should be about commending an enemy team player when you see yourself being over-powered and out-skilled, and not about raging.

    DotA needs to be about these little things which always will have big impact in long run on spirit of the game and personalities. And, not about ego-centric, unhealthy mind-set with sick way of communication and behaviour littered with toxicity.

    DotA should be good. If you are a good player, this post appreciates your patience and everything you do.

    Anyone would rarely want some stranger raging/insulting/flaming on little brother or sister. Not good for their mental or any sort of health.

    DotA should be "Good luck, have fun" and "Good Game".


        Just wanted to tell you that you are being overoptimistic here.


          wait, so ur telling me it's possible to finish a game of doto without typing "rekt / ez / git gud" in all chat..??

          Sexo Meister

            I thought dotka is a game where i can talk shit and chew gums

            ♏mikeeCS ツ

              Not every people think like this....
              Mostly in online game.

              I agreed to you OP but looks like it's a daydreaming....
              Something will never happened....


                Just wanted to tell you that you are being overoptimistic here. +1


                    Op is a normal skill smurf, living a day dream. When i was low mmr i was super friendly and nice to everyone, but when you try to achieve something and kids are too dumb to be any help, then shit starts to happen :D


                      If you don't flame your team you might as well go play mario kart

                      < blank >



                          The OP basically wants the players to behave like mentally stable grown-ups; not an overly absurd wish.
                          Still quite unrealistic, as one can already see in this thread ;-)


                            If we were mentally stable adults we would not be playing dota

                            muted all, it's just a ga...

                              Commended :)

                              < blank >

                                You can't play Dota if you aren't mentally strong


                                  think some people have different definitions of flaming. a bit of banter and taking the piss when someone fucks up is good. going on a 10min rant isn't.


                                    "The OP basically wants the players to behave like mentally stable grown-ups; not an overly absurd wish. "

                                    You cant be a 15 year old kid playing a computer game, interacting with other kids while wanting to win games and grind MMR and act like a mature 30 year old. This is utopia boys :D Especially if we all know Dota can bring the worst out of people, everybody lose it at least here and there, some do a lot lmao.

                                    Btw - just imagine a company where coworkers are: Some really good and capable people, some lazy fucks who dont wanna do anything and some in between. What's gonna happen in that company? Would everyone still be friendly when the company can go down and you can lose your job cause some lazy fuck didnt do his job? I wonder.. :D
