General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos against blink in Initiators

Necrophos against blink in Initiators in General Discussion

    I played some games against some blink in Initiators like Earthshaker, Tidehunter or Scorpion King and they had a lot of inffluence on the gameflow and they often win the game also.
    Espacially in random games the team members dont know what to do against such Heros and now i wondering which ways a single player should go to counter such initiations.
    Yesterday i had the idea to play Necrophos against such Initiators because his Heartstopper aura had a enoumerous range (max blink range 1200) and now i would like hear your oppinion about this counter. If it works only against low skill players or it is also in the top games a possible counter?

    plz do

      heartstopper doesnt affect blink daggers. spectre/zeus/global shit is good vs blink daggers.
      edit: forgot about disables w 0 sec cast time like hex/euls.


        radiance is good too but the range i dont think far enough

        Von Darkmoor

          Radiance or bkb is the best if ur pasta pick stage othwrwise globals are good distruptor can be Nice u figurer where he will jump and ulti :)

          Von Darkmoor

            Radiance or bkb is the best if ur pasta pick stage othwrwise globals are good distruptor can be Nice u figurer where he will jump and ulti :)


              Thx for your answers.
              My Problem is that this possiblities only works if you have luck or you see the opponent and know what he will do. In the case of random games (low mmr) there are many times which your supps dont buy wards or your carries dont buy bkb.
              So i had the hope that a single hero can make such initiations more difficult. But so i think i have to live with it :(


                u can just get enough survavability rarly on, and unless u do some mistakes, u gonna be fat enough to deal with this shit.


                  Venomancer and zeus. Nightmare for blinks.


                    Basically any hero with a global damaging tool can disable any blink initiation for the next 3 secs(Zeus, Spectre, AA, Silencer, NP, etc). Casting the heroes' respective skills preemptively should do the trick


                      I think if Necrophos could disable blinks with heartstopper he would be overpowered.
                      Fortunately Heartstopper doesn't affect any on-damage items or abilities. (it wont cancel Salves, Clarities, blink or Heart, and it wont remove refraction charges.)

                      The only time Heartstopper is considered as damage is for abaddon's ult (he will heal off heartstopper damage) and Oracle Ult (it will count towards the damage done at the end)