General Discussion

General DiscussionSo these are the worst Aghs upgrades according to popular opinion

So these are the worst Aghs upgrades according to popular opinion in General Discussion

    I had nothing to do so I looked at how popular Aghs was on heroes as an endgame item for the past 3 months. For most supports/a lot of offlaners/some mids Aghs is basically considered core (ie somewhere from 1st-7th in popularity). These heroes though it is built below stuff like endgame bracers/dust of appearance etc.

    Legion Commander - 31st
    Lifestealer - 28th
    Magnus - 24th
    Morphling - 28th
    Naga Siren - 26th
    Shadow Fiend - 31st
    Sven - 22nd
    Ursa - 38th
    Weaver - 28th
    Wraith King - 23rd

    Not surprisingly these are all carries (apart from Magnus) and their aghs upgrade does some cute shit/gives some underpowered support hero like skill which makes it potentially game losing to build the Aghs sceptre over some other far more useful item like bkb/heart/skadi/abyssal/butterfly/daedalus/mkb etc. Basically they are only built to troll or you are already stomping and just want to have fun with the cute little ability.

    If you look at the carries who build Aghs as a core it's all stuff like enchantress/windranger/meepo where it increases their auto attack or leshrac/qop/lina/invoker/juggernaut where it directly increases their magic damage output. Stuff like non-damaging extra abilities and healing crap like Naga/SF are just not worth it on heroes whose primary role is to output damage according to the vast majority of Dota players.

    Remake please.


      LC's aghs is pure fucking garbage because the enemy team can still use stuns on you.


          Keep them as they are so Rubick can have lots of fun with them!

          Also, isn't support Naga still a thing?


            Sfs aghs seems like a huge buff to his durability im suprised more ppl dont go it


              I guess that it's because lots of SFs try and use the ultimate to initiate (with shadowblade etc), plus it lowers attack damage and movement speed so even if you don't cast it to initiate the earlier it is used in a fight the better to reduce enemy attack damage.

              Plus it's fighting for the slot with Satanic which is an item with better build up from Helm of the dominator, more HP/armour and far more reliable way to regen your hp since it only needs the active+a few autoattacks whereas the SF ultimate is dependent on how many heroes it hits on the way back in order to provide the healing.

              Onii chan

                these aghs are only created to overpowering alch #vivavolvo


                  Oh also interesting to note is that Death Prophet has had Aghs built 60,000 times on her in the past 3 months. Other heroes with no aghs upgrade only had between 1,000-5000. A lot of people think that DP apparently has an aghs upgrade.

                  Miku Plays

                    @Steph carry

                    That would be oracles false promise kappa.

                    Putins Price Hike

                      I dont think any Aghs upgrade is bad, but not value. Like there are better items u can get for around the same gold if not less


                        Weaver Ursa and wk aghs are situationally good imo


                          Death Prophet seems like a hero that should have an obvious Aghs upgrade. I'm surprised it doesn't exist yet.


                            6.87 sniper now uses armor piercing bullets and deals 60 extra damage and reduces 20 armor when scepter is equipped


                              ^thats shit for 5k gold you could get daedlus


                                a lot of those are actually really good situationally but they are all on heroes that people just want to carry on.

                                a naga aghs has the potential to be insanely good.

                                House Cat

                                  Maybe for SF they should increase the damage per soul from 2 (+72) to 3 (+108) or maybe 4 (+144) to make it a little more worth it. I mean Drow's aghs essentially gave her an additional 100% damage assuming the two split arrows hit other heroes.

                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                    Ursa aghs allows him to pruge off suns and shit instantly. And aghs on support naga means you pretty much reset a fight after they used their initiation on you. While Sven aghs doesnt do taht much for him, it helps the reset of his team for sure. As for Magnus, its annoying as hell to empower all those people, not to mention the ranged benefits.


                                      naga and ursa aghs are so good
                                      probably weaver too but you have no dmg

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        yeah the issue is no one plays a support sven for example. It's a great item for an offlane aura sven.


                                          Weaver wk have decent ages the rest are probably garbage unless ure an urs a vs bm or similar


                                            sf aghs Kreygasm, I bet a lot of ppl buy it on him 4Head such a great and worth to buy item.


                                              i think those aghs are shit in most games, BUT they are good in some cases
                                              we won that game cause naga has aghs upgrade, i dont build that shit in most of my games as naga but is a nice option against some heroes like that zeus + np + spectre combo