General Discussion

General Discussionsome of the most overpowered heroes

some of the most overpowered heroes in General Discussion

    well idk whats your opinion tell me some of the most overpowered heroes that are fun and don't get boring like slark hes so fucking fun man tell me in a list if I should learn some new heroes to have more fun and demolishing the enemys


      Crystal maiden is pretty op.


        Crystal Maiden for sure, she can kill your whole team at any stage of the game.

        ~6k AOE magic damage! Ridiculous!


          agreed, wtf is cm even. aoe nuke with slow, single target dissable, global passive buff, gigantic aoe magic damage with fucking slow. also capable of jungling as if she's a fucking luna killing 100 stacks at once

          < blank >

            You just want a hero to get some free mmr, play some Spectre (you have 0 games with her) and at Normal Skill people don't know how to finish games by then you are farmed


              Fuck Spectre, Crystal maiden is the shit, i'm telling you guys!!


                Earth spirit


                  get necrophos, he's hard to deal with in lane, high sustainability and his ulti is a KS that people won't scold you. I grinded from 2.4K to 2.9 with just him


                    Please don't go cancer aghs dagon build tho, it literally makes you a walking ultimate. You can be massive sustain / tank with right items, armour especially and you have your heal, the more health the enemy has the more damage you do - 10 second fight you do 10% of their health, if they have 2000 health that's 200*5=1000 pure damage plus you never die with heart bloodstone octarine Shiva

                    lm ao

                      guys who da fuk is Kanye South


                        why are u asking it here
                        link his profile

                        lm ao

                          no cause i thought this thread was ayy lmao


                          WINNING MENTALITY

                            lol why the fuck do u all think that I make troll threads FFS I'm tired of this


                              lifestealer vlads offlane u wot m8