General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderpowered hero

Underpowered hero in General Discussion
U are all dogshit

    I propose the following changes to spectre.
    1. Haunt illusions have 1000 flying vision.
    2. Haunt last for 10/11/12 seconds

    Miku Plays

      underpowered hah

      < blank >

        Smurf with eSport profile, good shit


          She's far from underpowered. Weak early game, yes, but that's the tradeoff you deal with when you're one of the hardest carries in the game.


            I still want my ags upgrade where Haunt illusions last until you kill them :P

            That will be the day that most people realise Haunt illusions are immune to stuns, can attack while cycloned and have unobstructed pathing.

            U are all dogshit

              Yeah spec is bullshit early game right? Of course


                storm spirit is underpowered hero.

                Von Darkmoor

                  "Weak" hahaha xD
                  Try phaseboots vangaurd diffusa if ur so bad att farming relic; ) :p
                  I assume u r since thread ...

                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                    Vanguard on spec is shit you deal no damage, are bad at farming and have no utility.
                    Try phase boots, (maybe Aquila), and urn then killsteal like a position 1 spec should, you can actually do something with this build and it leaves radiance open as an option.

                    U are all dogshit



                        She's not underpowered and definitely not overpowered xD

                        She's ok

                        lm ao

                          She is definitely ruining my ranked games smh


                            As an NP player, I beg to differ.

                            King of Low Prio

                              I go phase Aquila vanguard then radiance cuz I like killing ppl at lv 7 instead of farming


                                She's not underpowered at all. If anything, she'll get a very slight nerf in a future patch. She's very strong in pubs if you know how to play her.

                                Get involved early with your ult, even if you don't have radiance/diffusal/manta yet. Just don't die, and rack up assists when there's a fight. Then keep farming.

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Spectre is underpowered
                                  she needs a buff


                                    Spectre is very weak atm guys, that's why a lot of high mmr people out there use her to boost their mmr.


                                      storm is crap, can we make his ult with 0 mana cost now?


                                        We get it, youre somehow bad enough to not win games as spectre on your smurf, can you PLEASE get good, ty


                                          Excuse me mr. normal skill guy, who are you feggit again?

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Want a joke? Someone won a 1v1 against Spectre in lategame

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              7 slotted Spectre


                                                Spectre is really weak. Only 60% winrate. I think this needs to be at least 80% to be competitively viable. I suggest the following changes:
                                                Spectral dagger has reduced mana cost, spectral trail lasts forever. Increased damage to 200/300/400/500 pure. In addition to unobstructed movement on dagger trail, spectre gains max movespeed while treading the trail. Damage dealt is returned as mana. If mana is full it is returned as health, if health is full grants bonus max hp for a short duration.
                                                Desolate affects all enemies within 500 range of spectre when attacking. Each attack also applies stacking armour reduction, which increases per stack (like fury swipes).
                                                Dispersion reflects 30/40/50/60% of all damage taken, leaving spectre unharmed. Damage type is physical and thus deals more damage due to desolation.
                                                Haunt lasts until all illusions have died. Illusions gain 100% of spectres health and 80% of damage, and benefit from attriibute items. There is no sound or effect for swapping between illuions. Illusions can use spectral dagger.

                                                Item changes:
                                                Radiance recipe cost reduced to 100.
                                                Relic cost reduced to 2800.
                                                Radiance DPS increased to 100+1% health drain per second.
                                                Radiance miss % increased to 50% evasion.

                                                Diffusal has unlimited charges. Each slows by 100 for 3 seconds then 50% for 3 seconds. 3 second cooldown.
                                                Diffusal recipe removed.

                                                Manta number of illusions increased to 9.
                                                Illusions always are phased.
                                                Manta illusion duration 180 seconds, cooldown 20 seconds.
                                                Mana cost increased by 4.

                                                U are all dogshit

                                                  Spectral dagger now creates a path to leaj of lejends so that u can kill heroes out there when everyone in your game is dead.

                                                  Kobold Foreman

                                                    Increase beastmasters Boars movement speed


                                                      @Kappastorm thats still way too weak. That only seems like a pathetic 90% wr in pub games. Clearly not ready for the pro scene.

                                                      I suggest these changes to make spectre viable.

                                                      Str gain to 4.0
                                                      Agi gain to 7.0
                                                      Int gain to 3.5

                                                      Base hp regen increased to 21, otherwise she wont be able to lane well
                                                      Base mana regen increased to 5 because shes useless without dagger spam
                                                      Base movement speed increased to 400 to make up for the lack of speed without dagger path

                                                      With these changes she should have 100% pub winrate and finally be viable by OP's standards.