General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden tips :D

Arc Warden tips :D in General Discussion

    Could i get some tips on Arc warden by you warden masters out there?
    I've been playing this hero for some time now , i get midas by min 6-10 but i cant really manage to win with him :I


      after you get midas stay in jungle/base fight with clone easy win


        so basicly the only way is divine/necro build?


          there is no such thing as only way, but thats the best as far as i know.


            i know it is debatable , but the frustration was real xD i dont really post on forums that much askin for tips , i just check guides and stuff , i got pretty good at meepo like this but warden , warden is different for some reason


              check enemy inventories for mkb in late game
              cost me a game xd

              i would also like to hear some tips though
              is there some kind of fighting build that wont make me useless for first 25 mins
              also is necro really a core item


                adapt ur build depending on what enemy heroes there are, divine/necro is fairly good to get good at though. as meatbag said you should focus on farming with your main hero and fighting with the clone.


                  i like getting dagon /ethereal/orchid , then ill get some auras or like a veil of discord to help my team but i end up in loosing , i dont want to seem like that 1k mmr skrub that i am but watch my last warden match replay , that legion tho lmao


                    add me and i'll watch the replay + give pointers.


                      pick rat heroes, lose control, lose fights, lose game
                      solo push rat strat isn't gonna work if your team keeps losing fights and this is why I don't like arc warden but under certain circumstances it's possible to get to a stage where it's impossible for your team to lose if things turn out well for your team.


                        turn out well as in, having some advantage in terms of net worth and xp early - mid game


                          well frankly , i guess ill play the hero for fun lmao ill maybe increase my winrate someday =)) dagon build ftw

                          пернул дернул и погнал

                            always buy mango and and salve and use them by ur clone. Ez abuse.


                              farm whatever u want. I dont like the rapier build anymore as i cant be in the forefront to fight and rape kids so i just go deso then crit which allows me to either fight without risk of losing a 6kgold item or split push while the enemy towers cry from my deso

                              savage brutal rekt

                                Blink and diffusial is VERY goon on this hero. Also 3 skill isn't necessary to skill, sometimes it's better to skip it.


                                  ^ wether or not you should skill E depends completely on your playstyle and enemy heroes.

                                  Mic Broke

                                    I think Blink, Hex and then rapiers. But thats just me