General Discussion

General Discussionhow does dotabuff calculate damage and heal

how does dotabuff calculate damage and heal in General Discussion

    Hello everyone!

    So I, like many users, have acquired the battle pass and enjoy doing winter quests. With this, I noticed that dotabuff and dota2 client calculated damage dealt and heal points differently.
    For example, I noticed that if I did, say, 15k dmg according to dota2 client - the dotabuff statistics would show ~13k dmg.
    Example #2: My last game with IO: the dota2 client showed that I healed 7k points, while the dotabuff stats show only 3.5k heal.

    Can anyone explain this discrepancy?

    Thank you!


      if im not mistaken dota client also counts indirect heals while dotabuff only counts heals from abilities/items

      i could be wrong thoughj.


        dbuff doesnt count (de)buffs as HD/HH